!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! KLM: The Mitzvah of Lechem Mishneh from Ritual to Rich Jewel and Word for the table Mitzvah for life Parshas Yisro Shabbos is Our Soulmatewith Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – In these two !Short Clips! Rabbi Wegbreit shares both: The mitzvah of lechem mishneh (the double portion of manna that fell from heaven to the Jews for Shabbos) – and how we can remember that miracle that occurred every day for 40 years by pausing and thinking about that beautiful continuous miracle. And, the mitzvah from Parashat Yitro of sanctifying Shabbos through the Jews partnering with that day of the week. How do we “sanctify” something? We distinguish that day from other days. Just like we sanctify our wife in marriage (by distinguishing her from everyone else). Treating her special – treating Shabbos special!

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