General Torah

הרב תומר ישראלוב

למה סופרים מניין ב”הושיע את עמך”? והאם זה מותר?

איך סופרים אנשים? כיצד צריך לספור אנשים? איך משה ספר אנשים? למה דוד חטא רק מספירה של עמ”י?
בשיעור הזה נלמד את הגדרים של ההלכות ונגלה דברים חדשים!
מאיפה הגיע לספור אנשים ב”הושיע את עמך”? והאם זה מותר?

מה הקשר בין אש בשבת לכלל המלאכות? והאם חשמל זו מלאכה בשבת?

שיעור מרתק במלאכת מבעיר.
ענייני חשמל וענייני כל מלאכת מבעיר.
הקשר בין מלאכת מבעיר לבין העולם הבא.
מה הקשר בין אש בשבת לכלל המלאכות?

איך העלילה מתפתחת דווקא בסוף המגילה? השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב

הסודות של מגילת אסתר – שיעור מיוחד ויוצא דופן לכבוד חג הפורים – מדרשים ומעשיות
הרב תומר ישראלוב בשיעור מרתק וחידושים מרתקים במגילת אסתר. גם מגילת אסתר שאקטואלית.
עשרה ויותר סודות שחבויים במגילת אסתר. לרגל פורים הקרב ובא אנחנו מתכוננים בללמוד על מצוות קריאת מגילה. מדרשים מרתקים במגילת אסתר, וסיפורי צדיקים מופלאים על הראשון לציון.
הגוי שרצה לאכול מקורבן הפסח

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General Torah

The snake and pharaoh had no freedom of choice! By Rabbi Moshe Pinto by Rabbi Moshe Pinto

Rabbi Pinto – Shares how the primordial snake in the Adam and Eve story reincarnates into Esav and Pharoah in the future to challenge us again to do the right thing and become greater than if the snake was not present in our lives. What is our “snake” in our lives that drives our path to choose between good and evil?

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General Torah

Nothing’s Lost I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares through the story that Hashem is there is all our difficulties and without those difficulties we would never find Him. So be grateful for them, lean into them, embrace them, and celebrate when it all turns around for us.

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Several folks have already proactively made donations to help those in Israel affected by the War – food, medical services, food/items for Israeli soldiers, and items to support religious activities/services. If you would like to take part please send an email to: and we will send you a personal Paypal link to make a donation. 100% of all donations go right to the recipients – there is no overhead. This is done on a volunteer basis only.

Like we prayed on Rosh Hashana:
Teshuva (repentance), Tefilah (prayer), and Tzedakah (charity) remove an evil decree.

General Torah

24 – Even Shelaima CH 11 PT 6 – Esav, Yishmael & the Erev Rav (Harav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowtiz – Shares about the last obstacles before Moshiach arrives and the spiritual “personalities” that are sourced in the the figures of the Torah. We can see how those figures have manifested themselves today in the journey of Am Yisroel towards full redemption – may it come speedily in our days!

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Gedolei Torah General Torah

Ahavath Chesed by the Chafetz Chaim

Perfect timing for this time of the year between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur on the importance of focusing on the most important things in life that can actually help you instead of those that can’t.

This is from the book called “Ahavath Chesed” from the Chafetz Chaim, Page 210 in the chapter “Arranging One’s Affairs”:

The Midrash aptly illustrates this situation with a parable: “There was once a man who had three friends. He loved the first very much, the second somewhat less. The third, he neither loved nor esteemed. Once the king issued a summons for this man, and the royal officer hastened to bring him to the palace. The man was terribly afraid. He suspected that he had been slandered and that he would be put to death innocently. All he could  think of was to call and ask his good and reliable friend, the one he loved  most, to go with him and testify to his innocence before the king. He went to this friend and told him what had happened, but the friend refused to go with him, and paid no heed to him. He left and went to his second friend. This one agreed to accompany him on the way to protect him from untoward incidents, but refused to appear before the king. As soon as they would reach the royal palace, be would leave and go home. The man then went to his third friend, whom he esteemed not at all, and asked him to go with him before the king. This friend replied: ‘Don’t be afraid. I’ll go with you; I’ll come  to the king and testify on your behalf, and you will be saved.’ He went, spoke up for the man, and saved him from harm. The first, most beloved of all friends, is man’s money. It leaves  him  on the day he dies and gives him nothing to take with him, as it says (Psalms 49.18): ‘His wealth  shall not descend after him.’ The second friend represents his sons and relatives who accompany him to the grave, then take their leave and depart. The third friend, the one who testified on his behalf, is his repentance and good deeds. These accompany him and  testify on his behalf, as it says (Isaiah. 58.8): ‘And your righteousness shall go before you.’ The King who issued the summons in the King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He, from Whose judgment no man can escape except by Torah and ma’asim tovim (good deeds).”

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General Torah

17-Even Shelaima Chapter2 Parts 9-12 – Downsides of Necessary Physical Pleasures (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowtiz – Shares about the downside of a life focused on physical pleasures as opposed to taking a spiritual direction. The focus on physical pleasures leads to a dulling of spirituality and a reduction in attention span. Society has dramatically moved towards physical pleasures at lightening speed. Growing up in Western society and culture makes seeing this fact as quite difficult and even harder to change it.

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!Short Clips! General Torah Weekly Torah Portion

Multi Video Feature – Rabbi Avraham Trugman, Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit, and Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen

Three videos featuring the yahrzeit of The Ohr HaChaim Hakadosh, the upcoming weekly parasha Pinchas, how to acquire mitzvot while sleeping, and the upcoming beginning of the three weeks of mourning that starts this Thursday.

Three videos featuring the yahrzeit of The Ohr HaChaim Hakadosh, the upcoming weekly parasha Pinchas, how to acquire mitzvot while sleeping, and the upcoming beginning of the three weeks of mourning that starts this Thursday.

Living With The Times – The Ohr HaChayim

Fruits of the Orchard – Pinchas

KLM: Know Hashem in All Your Ways – EVEN WHEN SLEEPING

Bein HaMetzarim: Weeks of Wrath? or Weeks of Love?

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General Torah

!Short Clips! Part Two – Tuesday – With Clips from the Rosh Yeshiva of Ohr Somayach, Rabbi Moshe Pinto, and Rabbi David Kalmus

Rosh Yeshiva’s Erev Shavuos Address | Ohr Somayach – for the Torah to go to the next generation is much be sweet now

Dovid Hamelech Tehillim – our role model – he left his book (of prayers) of his journey – by Rabbi Moshe Pinto

The Question isn’t where is God – It’s Where are We?

Redemption I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus – You not struggling because you are doing something wrong its because you are doing something right.

Take your bad traits and turn them into good ones.

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General Torah

Doubt and Certainty by Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – Shares an interesting topic about doubt that stems from Adam and Eve and them eating from the tree of good and bad. We are suffering from the effects of this event even today.

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General Torah

Shabbat Shalom! Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi trip to Israel

The Youth Years Are Precious And Will Not Return – In Lev Aharon Yeshiva Jerusalem

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Great lecture about what young people should focus on to set a foundation for a great life. In terms of money, no matter what you do in life Hashem will make sure you get exactly what you are supposed to get financially even if you sit and learn Torah all day every day. “How much effort do I have to make to make a living? The answer is a mathematical formula. This is how it works: The more you count on Hashem and have confidence in Him the less effort you have to put into making money.”

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