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How To Stop Being Jealous and Start Living | Soul Talk By Rabbi David Aaron

Rabbi David Aaron – Shares in this brief interview about jealousy, that the jealous person doesn’t have an issue with another person but that the core issue is they have an issue with Hashem. Therefore, connecting with the core issue and being grateful with what we do have will ultimately solve the internal jealousy.

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!Short Clip! A Tribute To Our Rebbe Rav Avrohom Rockmill Ztz”l

Rabbi Avrohom Rockmill Ztz”l – At the 2:44 time stamp in this video, Rabbi Rockmill shares what the story of Avraham Avinu and him giving himself a brit mila (circumcision) at age 100 is teaching us today. “The kindness from Hashem never ends and Avraham Avinu understood this and emulated that in his life – there is NO break from chesed, there is NO vacation from being kind. We don’t take off from being fine people.” Powerful message!

2:44 time stamp:

Full video:

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!Short Clips! Are The Jews The Fossils Of History? Parshat Vayechi – Rabbi Yaakov Asher SinclairPLUS an Ohr Sameach appeal

Rabbi Sinclair – Shares how the Jews accused by several as the fossils of history or sterile are actually the keystone of history – without the Jewish people and what they stand for – a light unto the nations and the representative people of Hashem in this World – the World would not survive. This is written in our holy Torah, by our books, by our prophets, by our sages – being an active part in this (both Jews and non-Jews can play a role) in why we were created.

PLUS an Ohr Sameach kiruv (outreach) Yeshiva appeal:

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Empowering Our Children – Avi Fishoff

The importance and life saving power of kids knowing that their parents love them and are there for them even when (and especially) when they are not actually present can change the trajectory of their lives in times of trouble and distress. Listen to Avi Fishoff’s three life-changing stories of kids who experienced this.

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!Short Clips! Numerical Gems in the Torah – Shabbat and the Infinite Light of God By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Trugman – Shares that the word Shabbat has the numerical value of 702 while light has the numerical value of 207 (exactly inverse). Physical light is a channel for infinite light.

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!Short Clips! The Fate Of Damascus In The End Of Days and The Great Downfall Of Syria By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – Shares how the Neviim (Prophets) has already foretold current events as it relates to Damascus (Syria) – in the short clips video. In the second full video, the Rabbi shows how Avraham Avinu and the war of the four/five kings and Chanukah, and current events in Syria are all coming together. Amazing we are living through this right now.

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!Short Clips! Form Michael Zaroovabeli

Rabbi Shaul Dov Felman, On Current Global events – Rabbi 40 years at Yeshivat Neve Tzion

Rabbi Felman – Explains the analogy of the World “leaders” versus a child who sits in the passenger seat of a car where his father places a toy steering wheel to play with that is not actually affecting anything mechanically in the car but keeps the child occupied while preventing him from grabbing onto the real steering wheel of the car. Meaning, we are playing with the toy steering wheel of World events while the actual driver (Hashem) is really steering World events.

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus, Rosh Yeshiva at a Breslov Yeshiva in HarNof – Torah on Rabbi Nachman Z’tl Greatness

Rabbi Kalmus – Shares from the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov how he went through many hardships and still carried on with greatness giving us an example how we can also go through hardships and carry on with greatness and fulfilling our purpose in this World. Everything than change is one moment – no matter what we are going through – don’t give up hope.

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!Short Clips! Increase the Abundant Flow of Goodness From Hashem with Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares about how we can focus on shefa (abundance) and how to connect to Hashem at the point of making blessings. This reflection will help us have this abundance front and center in our consciousness and increase our connection.

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!Short Clips! Numerical Gems in the Torah – The Secret of Covenant By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Trugman – Shares how the numerical value of the Hebrew letters for the word brit (covenant) is 612 adding the actual word yields 613 which is the amount of mitzvot (commandments) in the Torah. So how do we honor our covenant with Hashem? By observing and doing the mitzvot.

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How You Can Change The Outcome Of The World Series (Ep. 260) | Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – At the end of this video Rabbi Orlofsky shares an amazing lesson from a question from his audience. Do I have to follow what Jewish Law says or take my chances on my own judgment? Listen to what happens to the man on the airplane.

Q&A Question:

Entire Video:

Shares how Rivka Imenu is the epitomy of chesed just like Avraham Avinu – this chesed balances out Yizchak Avinu’s din (judgment) – parallel to how Sarah Imenu’s din balances out Avraham Avinu’s chesed. The story of Rivka is one of the main examples of chesed in the Torah. Tzedakah can only be done to a poor person (not a rich person who doesn’t need it) but chesed can be done to everyone. Doing chesed is bringing Hashem’s name and presence in the World – something we can all do and make the World a better place.

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