Weekly Torah Portion

!Shabbat Shalom! Why No Mention of World to Come (I) by Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – Shares several interesting concepts as it pertains what the Torah actually does not say about the World to Come and what that means for us practically speaking in this World. Including interesting perspective of the Rambam and how what it states in the Torah about reward is actually expenses and not the reward for our deeds. Also, nice story about the Chofetz Chaim. A large portion of this class sources parts of this week’s upcoming Torah portion (Ki Savo).

Fascinating Snippets:

Everything is the higher World has its reflection here in the lower World. For example, the caterpillar and the butterfly showing us the transition from this World to the World to come:


The entire class:

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Weekly Torah Portion

The Mysterious Shovel – Ki Seitzei (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares why is was so important for Jewish soldiers to carry a shovel with them – to clean up after themselves and how this separation of the clean from the unclean teaches us the essence of how to conduct ourselves and in turn improve our spirituality.

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Torah Learning

Torah of Abraham,Torah of Shem & Ever by Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – Shares the difference between the Torah of our Forefather, Abraham and the Torah of Shem & Ever. How we unite and uplift the physical to the spiritual as opposed to separate them as in many other religions. We focus on elevating mundane small tasks and make them spiritual and service to Hashem.

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Q&A: Ervah, Shmiras Einayim & Viduy (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowtiz – Interesting Q&A discussion especially at time point 12:12 – – which talks about Hashem’s omniscience and how does free will exist with that reality. Fascinating perspective – while bringing in various viewpoints of our Sages.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Shabbat Shalom – KI Seitzei (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares how we can take some pretty unusual laws in this weekly Torah reading and not only explain them but how we can learn from it in our life today. Another interesting topic of how we need to tread lightly in our spiritual advancement to make sure we don’t go to quickly and trip ourselves up in the process. Slowly but surely for the long haul.

Torah Recommendations – KI Seitzei

Physical Therapy and Psychology – KI Seitzei

Don’t Get Mixed Up – KI Seitzei

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clip! Generational Wealth I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – In the ending of this class Rabbi Kalmus gives over the concept of “length of days” through the analogy of the shofar and how its narrowness grows to openess and how this reveals the concept of young Rebbes (Like Rabbi Nachman) and their ability to do so much in such short lifetimes – just like the shofar. How? With kedusha.

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The Mystical Aspects of Shabbos By Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – Shares the deep meaning behind Shabbat and why it’s called a gift (unlike Holidays which are not referenced as a gift from Shabbat). A video filled with amazing kernels about all aspects of Shabbat and answers to questions like why do we sing “Shalom Aleichem” only on Shabbat. A taste of the World to come….

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!Short Clip! Living With The Times – Understanding Teshuvah Through 5 Key Verses By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares some ideas on how we can approach Teshuvah (repentance) is the Hebrew month of Elul which starts in a few days, leading up to the pinnacle of Rosh Hashana. Each letter in the word Teshuva actually encapsulates the actions to be taken/concepts to be grasped to help us achieve it.

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!Short Clips! Weekly Torah Portion

Living With The Times – Preparing for a New Year through the Torah and Fruits of the Orchard – Re’eh !Short Clip! By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares some details of the next few weekly parshiot leading up to Rosh Hashana and how this can help us prepare for the new year in a way that benefits us more than just it popping up on us.

And, in the upcoming Torah Parasha of the week (Re’eh) – a “numerical gem” about a public charitable fund (tzedakah).

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Jewish Law (Halachah)

Shulchan Aruch, Chapter 187: Diyukim b’Nusach Birkas Hamazon 3 By Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac

Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac – Shares some details about the benching (blessings we say after eating a meal with bread) and where (and from who) specifically the blessings come from and their formulation then and today.

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