Mussar (Ethics)

Harav Yitzchak Breitowitz – !Short Clip! – Ohr Lagolah Kiruv Seminar 17Th Of Tammuz 2023

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Shares in this !Short Clip! video an amazing story about Hagaon Harav Ovadia Yosef and the patience and love he had for another Jew who became a dayan due to the fatherly guidance of the Rav years before.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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Mussar (Ethics)

Don’t Forget to Pick up the Check!

This is from a daily email called “Daily Companion” by the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation. You can subscribe to their daily emails by emailing:

After the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash (Temple), Hashem gave us a vital gift which would enable us to survive this long and bitter exile. He allowed the Shechinah (Divine Presence) to manifest itself to some degree in the beis haknesses (shul or synagogue) and beis hamidrash (study hall). To this day, the beis haknesses and the beis hamidrash remain places where a Jew can connect with his Creator in a very profound way.

Against this backdrop, says the Chofetz Chaim, one can recognize the full gravity of speaking loshon hora in shul. From the words “and My Holy Place you should fear” (Vayikra 19:30) we learn that a Jew must treat his shul with dignity and only tread in it for holy pursuits. This commandment prohibits all forms of mundane conversation in shul. How much more so does this prohibition apply to loshon hora or rechilus, which indicate a complete lack of fear of Hashem, Whose presence is especially manifest in such holy places.

The Chofetz Chaim states that the hidden message which a person communicates when he speaks loshon hora in shul, God forbid, is that he does not really believe that Hashem resides there. Only with such an attitude could a person feel free to disobey Hashem’s rules in His own house. The Zohar says that the sin of ignoring Hashem in His house has grave spiritual repercussions in the upper worlds.

The Chofetz Chaim writes, “Since we are discussing the sin of speaking loshon hora in shul, I must tell you of the great misfortune that this causes.”

A person tells his friend his stories which are laced from beginning to end with loshon hora, and he finds a most convenient time for this: immediately before the reading of the Torah. But when the congregation is ready to begin reading the Torah portion, the storyteller is still not finished. Now the yetzer hora (evil inclination) whispers in this person’s ear, “This is a great story. You’ve got to finish it.” So the storyteller and his eager listener continue their conversation throughout the reading of the Torah. In doing so, they not only transgress a long list of prohibitions, but they also commit the overriding sin of creating a public chillul Hashem (desecration of Hashem’s Name) as they flagrantly ignore

Hashem’s Presence in His house and at the same time cause disgrace to the Torah.
The Chofetz Chaim tallies what this “important story” is going to bring these two people on the Heavenly scales of judgment.

They have spoken and listened to loshon hora, which almost always includes many prohibitions.

They have violated, “And you shall not defame My Holy Name” (Vayikra 22:32), a sin which is compounded by the fact that it was committed in the presence of ten or more Jews.

They have disregarded the Torah reading, as it is written, “And those who forsake Hashem will perish” (Yeshayahu 1:28).

They have engaged in devarim beteilim (meaningless conversation) in shul.
“Woe to the speaker and the listener!” writes the Chofetz Chaim. He quotes the Vilna Gaon who states that it is impossible to comprehend the Heavenly punishment which such conversation can bring upon the participants.

The Chofetz Chaim adds another thought regarding those who speak during the reading of the Torah. The Torah reading concludes with Kaddish and it is highly unlikely that they will stop their conversation to answer to this all-important prayer. This is an incalculable loss. Our Sages, of blessed memory, have taught us the awesome power of answering “Amein. Yehei shemei rabba …” (“Amen. May His great name be blessed…”). By answering with proper concentration and intent, one can cause severe Heavenly decrees to be broken. Several times each day, when Kaddish is recited, Hashem gives us the priceless opportunity to earn tremendous merit with just a few seconds of effort
Imagine if someone offered you a check for one million dollars, with the only requirement being that you exert the miniscule effort of lifting the check off the table and putting it in your pocket. The reward for answering “Amein. Yehei shemei rabba…” is much more than that, yet the storytellers are oblivious to this, essentially leaving millions of dollars sitting on the table, untouched. One Small
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Jewish Law (Halachah) Mussar (Ethics)

Suicide – Includes Current Events

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Shares about how Jewish Law views suicide and its implications. We learn from the story of young Jews who were captured by the Romans and were about to be sent to Rome to be abused by their captors and they asked a Tanna (a Rabbi leader of that generation) whether they will still have a share in the World to come if they commit suicide instead of be being abused by their captors and he replied yes. We deduce from this that in other cases Jewish law forbids suicide since life is given by Hashem and only He can take it from us. To see exceptions to this law (and there are quite a few) please view the video.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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Mussar (Ethics)

The Most Precious Gift In Life – Current Events

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Shares with us strong Mussar (ethics) perspective on the overall importance of Torah study above all else and how the benefits derived from this greatly outweigh other worldly considerations.

Personal Thoughts – It is certainly a great challenge to change my ways and unlearn what society and culture has taught me during my lifetime. Open-mindedness to a Torah-based perspective is more and more relevant as I get older and realize what to focus on (and de-focus on) for my own benefit.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Mussar (Ethics) Weekly Torah Portion

Weekly Lecture in Brooklyn

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Shares with us strong Mussar (ethics) on how we need to take responsibility for our own actions and look deep inside at our part in the current situation and stop looking at outside things for excuses about why current events are happening. Everything is in the hands of Hashem – the outside influences are just His tools to send us a message to do tshuva. Just like we say on Rosh Hashanah doing tshuva means – learning Torah, doing kind deeds/tzedakah, and prayer.

Part One (Mussar/Current Events):

Part Two (Weekly Torah portion):

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Mussar (Ethics)

A Talk To Mikdash Melech Yeshiva In Jerusalem – May 2021

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Shares with us the value of Torah learning and how the World we live in stands on it.

Personal Thoughts – The Rabbi explains how the World we see with our eyes is actually the World of sheker (lies) – which hides the true spiritual World we can uncover through learning Torah.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Mussar (Ethics)

The True Power of Speech (Lashon Hara)

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – This video is actually almost 20 years old but the content really gives a very clear picture of why Lashon Hara (Evil Speech) is so destructive to us individually and also collectively as a Jewish people. The benefits of overcoming this insidious disease will help free us. The truth will really set us free!

Personal Thoughts – The video production and presentation is a bit distracting but the concrete clarity of the message was very educational for me. If you can look past those distractions (maybe even best just to listen to the audio only) it was a very good lecture. I’ve listened to some of Rabbi Kessin’s more current lectures and will try to post some in the future.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Mussar (Ethics)

What You Watch Affects You -&- Is Racism Preventing Mashiach?

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – This is at the end of one of his weekly lectures discussing how what we look at (as kids and adults) dramatically affects our mind and our future at a very deep level. The other topic is the danger of racism and how it could be a major factor in delaying Mashiach (the Messiah).

Personal Thoughts – Growing up secular it was not until later in life that I realized how much “stuff” that I watched really affects me today. On the other topic, I am grateful for my parents for pretty much raising me in a racist-free environment which blessed me to find my culturally different wife (hope this helps bring Moshiach).

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: