Shabbat Weekly Torah Portion

!Shabbat Shalom! The Talking Donkey – Balak (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares some interesting points in this week’s weekly parasha:

The way a person wants to go do good Hashem will help you, when he wants to take a bad path Hashem doesn’t prevent him from doing so

Bilaam was eager to go against Hashem’s will by cursing the Jewish people while our ancestor Avraham Avinu was eager to to do Hashem’s will. Both got up early and saddled their own donkey – but for diametrically different reasons.

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Connecting to the Shabbat Prayers – Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – Shares about the difference between the “sameness” of the everyday prayers and even the Jewish Holiday prayers and the uniqueness of the Shabbat prayers. How we travel from the historical Shabbat of the entire Jewish people during the evening prayer to the very present Shabbat of the morning prayer to the Shabbat of the future (redemption) in the afternoon prayer. The journey makes Shabbat prayers uplifting and transformative every week we experience them.

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!Short Clips! Unintentional Sin on Shabbat By Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – In this !Short Clips! Rabbi Mizrachi explains the various differences between intentional breaking of Shabbat and unintentional breaking of Shabbat.

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!Short Clips! Shabbat Weekly Torah Portion

!Shabbat Shalom – Short Clips! Mishpatim – Living Intentionally | Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – In this relatively complicated and technical short video Rabbi Orlofsky is able to zoom out and explain how all this is relevant to us today. We tend to walk through life without intention to do damage but through our ignorance we do a lot of damage. This parasha of technical laws helps us uncover knowledge, reduce our ignorance, and do less damage which benefit the World at large.

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!Short Clips! Shabbat

!Short Clips! Beshalach – Hashem Is Always With Us | Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – Humorous explanation of the engagement of Beshalach. Bo is where we (the Jewish people) agree to marry Hashem, Yisro is the marriage (at Mount Sinai). So Beshalach is sandwiched between is the engagement. This is the time we establish trust that Hashem is always with us. Shabbat Shalom!

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!Short Clips! Bo – One True Picture | Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – Shares a jam packed five minute class on why the upcoming parasha is called Bo and how it relates to the amount of plagues in the parash, how it relates to our two eyes, and how it relates to our tefillin that men wear daily during shacharit (tefillin is also discussed at the end of Parashat Bo). Very interesting five minutes! Shabbat Shalom!

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The Mystical Aspects of Shabbos By Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – Shares the deep meaning behind Shabbat and why it’s called a gift (unlike Holidays which are not referenced as a gift from Shabbat). A video filled with amazing kernels about all aspects of Shabbat and answers to questions like why do we sing “Shalom Aleichem” only on Shabbat. A taste of the World to come….

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!Shabbat Shalom! – Fundamentals of Kabbalah and Chassidut – Cycles of Seven and Secrets of Shabbat – Part 3 By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares about before the World existed there was just Hashem. How can we experience this today? Shabbat! The World was in a perpetual state of Shabbat existence before time and we can tap into that state of existence every week by celebrating and observing the laws of Shabbat. Shabbat Shalom!

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!Short Clips! Shabbat

Shabbat Shalom Dave – Part Two

“The Story About Dave” Part Two by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – This lecture happened the day after the previous lecture about the great story on someone named Dave who is looking for a sign from Hashem and eventually he got that sign. Shabbat Shalom.

This video contains some of the Rabbi’s conclusions from the story:

And, here is the original post (part one):

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Shabbat Shalom Dave

“The Story About Dave” by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Five minute short clip – great story on someone named Dave who is looking for a sign from Hashem and eventually he got that sign. Shabbat Shalom.

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