
פרשת תולדות: יעקב מקבל את הברכות! השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב

איך יעקב “הערים” על אביו יצחק כדי שיביא לו את הברכה של עשו? הבגדים המיוחדים שעשו לבש, עשו הפקיד את הבגד חמודות המופלא אצל אימו, רבקה עוזרת ליעקב להתחפש לעשו, למה יצחק נעשה כבד ראייה? מסר חשוב בעניין בפרשת השבוע תולדות, סיפור מרתק מהחפץ חיים. המסע המרתק אל פרשת תולדות – רבקה, יעקב, הברכות, יצחק.
הצטרפו אלינו למסע מרתק על פרשת תולדות מסר מעשי לחיים! חומש בראשית.
השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב.
אל תפספסו! 📘✨

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If I Can’t See or Touch God, How Can I Know He’s With Me? By Rabbi David Aaron

I have never seen or touched gravity, and I never will. But I know that gravity exists when I feel a force pulling me down.
And so, too, I have never seen or touched God, and I never will. But I know God is in my life when I feel a force pulling me up.
In other words, we can know God. Even though we cannot see or touch Him, we can feel seen by Him and touched by Him. And when we do, we feel uplifted, transformed and inspired.
In truth we are always seen and touched by God, but we might not always be tuned into that truth.
Let’s say you are in a majestic forest, or watching a glorious sunset by the sea; or perhaps you are at an amazing concert, or admiring a stunning work of art, or simply enjoying an intimate conversation with a friend. How will you know if you only came across a bunch of trees, experienced the end of the day, listened to some nice music, saw a pretty picture, felt a warm friendship, or that you actually encountered the Presence of God?
You will know by what happens within you.
You can know that you actually encountered God when you feel at that moment a sure sense that your life and the life of others really matters. From within you will erupt a yearning to love, respect and care for yourself and others. And you will feel filled with an unusual sense of happiness, with a certainty that you and others really matter and what you do really makes a difference, and you will be driven to live a life in service of a greater good.
Simply put, when people, places and/or events set you on fire with the higher desire to love, give, grow, do good and cherish living responsibly – then you are surely feeling seen and touched by God.

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Sadducees & Karaites (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Rabbi Breitowitz – Shares about a very well known machloket (disagreement) when it comes to when we start counting the omer (the day after Shabbat vs. the day after the first day of Pesach) between the Sudducees and the mainstream Jewish authorities during our history. This is further expounded on by the Rav by explaining who the Sadducees and Karaites were, when they started, what they stood for, where they are today, and where they went wrong.

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Torah Tidbits Article By Rabbi Moshe Taragin

Rabbi Taragin – Shares a checklist of what we can do practically and spiritually in these trying times and not continue business as usual.

If you are interested in more articles like this please visit this the Torah Tidbits website (a part of OU Israel):

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Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi – Teachings from Jerusalem – Torah Empowerment for Women

Rabbanit Mizrahi – Shares some important insights through the power of women under the current situation.

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Rabbi Steven Burg – If you want to understand the mission of the Jewish people in this world take 2 minutes to watch this clip of Rav Noach Weinberg ZT”L, the founder of Aish, speaking about tonight’s holiday of Shavuot.


Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #118 A Deeper Understanding of the Story of Yaakov and Esav Part 3 By Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Rabbi Mendel Kessin –

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Chag Sukkot Sameach!

Going to mix it up a bit for Chag – See a nice song attached for a bit of singing and dancing by בוא לפה · שמחה פרידמן – Simche Friedman. Enjoy!

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Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #108 | Torah Royalty vs. British Royalty By Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – In this video, Rabbi Kessin shares his view of “royalty” and the difference between the modern view and the Torah view and why this matters.

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Seventy Faces – Inverse Numbers, Letters or Words and Average Value of Letters Words By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – In this class we continued the final section of Seventy Faces, 21 different methodologies of learning the Torah based on numbers. We showed examples of fascinating insights how Inverse Numbers, Letters or Words and Average Value of Letters/Words reveal additional inner dimensions of the Torah. Here are some examples:

Name of Hashem at burning bush – reverse is Moshe Rabbeinu
Tishrei – Tuf, Shin, Raish….Aleph
Shabbat – reversing the word means light

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