Jewish Holidays

Shavuot is when the geoula is supposed to come

Rabbi Moshe Pinto – Shares with us the goal to achieve kedusha (holiness) can only occur when both elements combine (the physical/material and the spiritual). Without one of these elements our level of connection to Hashem is always incomplete. To bring the geula (redemption) we need not ignore the physical/material but to incorporate and elevate it towards a spiritual goal. Pesach was physical redemption and Shavuot is spiritual redemption – the time in between (the Omer period) is the way to connect them both. Powerful lecture by Rav Pinto.

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Jewish Holidays Prayer

It’s Rosh Chodesh Sivan tonight – Special prayers to recite

Rabbi Alon Anava – If you have kids no matter what age Rabbi Anava shares what prayer parents can say that is specific to this day (Rosh Chodesh Sivan – the first of the month of Sivan) to bring down the energy leading up to the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. This energy is the same energy as the original ancient energy when the Jewish people received the Torah at Har (Mount) Sinai that becomes available to us every year at this time.

The prayers Rabbi Alon Anava references are available in both Hebrew and English here:

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Personal Growth

Every Descent is for the Sake of Ascent

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Great video about how we can access and release and divine sparks that are trapped via prayer, saying blessings, and helping another Jew. Rabbi Kalmus further explains how when you are called upon to help another Jew to run at the opportunity because it means your soul to attached to their soul and the divine sparks released benefit both (help others really means help yourself as well).

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In Honor of Lag B’Omer: The Power of Kabbalah [3 mins] – !Short Clip!

Rabbi David Aaron – A simple short three minute paradigm shift video about how to re-orient our focus from taking to receiving resulting in improving our spiritual condition.

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Jewish Holidays

Lag BaOmer: What do we Celebrate & Why is is Rabbi Shimon’s Day?

Rabbi Yitzchak Botton – BREAKING: LAG BAOMER is NOT the Day Rabbi Shimon Passed Away! The mystery of the 33rd day of the Omer Lag BaÓmer continues. Many call it the yahrzeit (passing) of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, while others say, based on Kabbalah it is the day he was given Smicha, rabbinic ordination , and some say it is both. After watching this video you will better understand Why Lag BaOmer is considered a Jewish Holiday.

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Tomer Devorah Middah 1 LEARNING TOLERANCE

Rabbi Aaron Dovid Poston – Shares with us how Hashem is the driving force behind everything and gives us the strength to do any action we take. The interested part of this is that even when we take actions that are against what Hashem wants He still gives us the strength to take that action. In a sense, our free will over-rules what Hashem wants even if it hurts us or “hurts” Him.

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Fundamentals of Kabbalah – Exploration of the Soul 2

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – This is a nice video about Kabbalah and learning about the soul – the different parts thereof and its effect on all life. Also, lots of interesting information about science’s current growing view on various types of life (ie. plants) and their surprising level of consciousness. Fascinating stuff!

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Double Feature Monday – Rabbi David Kalmus

Double Feature Monday – Rabbi David Kalmus

These videos focus on how we can find faith during the dark times of life and how we can be uplifted and bring the redemption. That everything comes from Hashem and when redemption comes that will be very clear in hindsight but right now it’s hidden from us.

Emunah In The Nights:

Spiritual Uplifting:

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The Jews

KLM – Jews and the News: The Good, The Bad and the Holy

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares how we can watch the news for good and replace the helpless feelings of being a nervous and anxious bystander to instead empower ourselves individually and collectively as Jews by doing three mitzvot directly from the Torah itself (C.P.R. – Care, Prayer, Repair). We often say, “What can I do? I feel powerless and helpless.” This video gives us a great answer – do C.P.R. and please share it with others!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his website:

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Jewish Law (Halachah)

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Double Feature 2

Roe vs Wade & Abortion: What Does God Have to Say? – Rabbi Breitowitz shares a practical and clear view on how Jewish law views abortion.

Click here for more videos from this Rabbi’s on Yibonei’s YouTube Channel:

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