General Torah

Tomer Devorah – Three key points to reach your true purpose | Chapter 5 introduction by Rabbi Alon Anava

Rabbi Alon Anava – Shares about the importance of keeping the serving of Hashem at the forefront of our mind and actions all the time – fitting our life and lifestyle to will of our Creator and Jewish practices instead of the other way around. This will result in Hashem bending His will towards us in response which gives us what we want ultimately which is good for us.

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General Torah

Tomer Devorah Middah #7 After Teshuva, He Will Have Mercy On Us By Rabbi Aaron Dovid Poston

Rabbi Aaron Dovid Poston – Great class on the power of teshuva (repentance) and the benefits for our life today and in the future. Liked the explanation about the letter hay – ה – and how the shape of the letter explains the teshuva process both figuratively and literally.

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General Torah

Tomer Devorah Middah 5 & 6 By Rabbi Aaron Dovid Poston

Rabbi Aaron Dovid Poston – Shares with us how important it is to do kind deeds and that those kind deeds actualize in the angelic realm and act as advocates for us. This helps offset the less good deeds and qualities that are typically present in our thoughts and actions.

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Tomer Devorah Middah 1 LEARNING TOLERANCE

Rabbi Aaron Dovid Poston – Shares with us how Hashem is the driving force behind everything and gives us the strength to do any action we take. The interested part of this is that even when we take actions that are against what Hashem wants He still gives us the strength to take that action. In a sense, our free will over-rules what Hashem wants even if it hurts us or “hurts” Him.

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