I have never seen or touched gravity, and I never will. But I know that gravity exists when I feel a force pulling me down.
And so, too, I have never seen or touched God, and I never will. But I know God is in my life when I feel a force pulling me up.
In other words, we can know God. Even though we cannot see or touch Him, we can feel seen by Him and touched by Him. And when we do, we feel uplifted, transformed and inspired.
In truth we are always seen and touched by God, but we might not always be tuned into that truth.
Let’s say you are in a majestic forest, or watching a glorious sunset by the sea; or perhaps you are at an amazing concert, or admiring a stunning work of art, or simply enjoying an intimate conversation with a friend. How will you know if you only came across a bunch of trees, experienced the end of the day, listened to some nice music, saw a pretty picture, felt a warm friendship, or that you actually encountered the Presence of God?
You will know by what happens within you.
You can know that you actually encountered God when you feel at that moment a sure sense that your life and the life of others really matters. From within you will erupt a yearning to love, respect and care for yourself and others. And you will feel filled with an unusual sense of happiness, with a certainty that you and others really matter and what you do really makes a difference, and you will be driven to live a life in service of a greater good.
Simply put, when people, places and/or events set you on fire with the higher desire to love, give, grow, do good and cherish living responsibly – then you are surely feeling seen and touched by God.
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