Jewish Holidays

Rav Yitzchak Breitowitz: In The Middle of The Battle – Do Not Give Up!!!

Rabbi Breitowitz – Shares some very interesting historical background information on Chanukah including the fact that the story of the oil was only told in writing over 250 years after the miracle of the oil during the time of the Chanukah story. Many other tidbits as well including Chanukah’s relationship with Succot.

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Q&A: Eliyahu Hanavi, Exile & The Holocaust (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Rabbi Breitowitz – Interesting Q&A sessions including answering questions like:

What is Karet (excision of the soul)? Including the machloket (disagreement) about what it actually means. (time stamp 31:55)

What does it mean Derech Eretz Kadma L’Torah? (common decency before the Torah). It might be different than one might think. (time stamp 1:06:35)

Do we encourage people to convert who have a lot of opposition from their family? This also includes a Jew who is becoming more religious in opposition to their family. There are important sensitivities involved. (time stamp 1:19:11)

Did the holocaust lead to the State of Israel? (time stamp 1:27:20)

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Hebrew Months

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz: Elul: Hashem is Rooting For Us

Rabbi Breitowitz – Shares the elixir (Tu B’Av) for the pain (Tisha B’Av) – five or six specific details. Also, the upcoming Hebrew month of Elul along with the High Holidays and the different perspectives of both the judgment of Hashem and also a time for reconciliation (quite a dichotomy).

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Q&A: What’s happening when you stand in front of the grave of a Tzadik? and What should I do during Bein Hazmanim? Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

Rabbi Breitowitz – In these two specific questions in the Q&A Rabbi Breitowitz shared a relatively thorough and balanced view of visiting and praying by gravesites and what yeshiva students should do during their summer break (Bein Hazmanim).

The entire Q&A can be found here:

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Balaam and Moshiach (Parshas Balak) (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Rabbi Breitowitz – Shares a very interesting connection between Balaam and Moshiach and additional facts related to Moshiach as it relates to Bar Kochba and false messiahs as well. There is a potential Moshiach in every generation but so far we have not been worthy of it manifesting.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Q&A: Is there a source in Torah for avoiding waste?Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

Rabbi Breitowitz – Shares the Torah sources for not only avoiding waste but related topics such as recycling and not wasting food.

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!Short Clips! Q&A

!Short Clips! Q&A: What should one learn if he comes to Torah late in life? Can one eat a different hechsher when eating at someone else’s house? Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

Rabbi Breitowitz – Shares some very important thoughts on these two questions that come up often for both newly religious and religious from birth folks. The Rabbi’s balanced and practical approach is not only appreciated by Jews looking to learn but helpful and inspiring in how we can apply it in the times we live in.

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Torah Learning

Introduction to Learning Tanach (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Rabbi Breitowitz – Shares some basics about the structure of the Tanach which comprises the entire Bible (Chumash – Five Books of Moses, Prophets, Writings, and Megillot). Very interesting to get a big picture of that structure and some background on why some parts, until just recently, were not learned widely in the yeshiva world for many years.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Q&A: Is Mayim Achronim an Obligation? Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

Rabbi Breitowitz – Mayim Achronim (water after the meal) is washing your finger tips after you are done eating prior to saying birkat hamazon (grace after meals). Rabbi Breitowitz interestingly describes the background behind this mitzvah including where its referenced in the Shulchan Aruch (the Book of Jewish Law), why it is done, and how it pertains today.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! from Q&A: Halachic Process, Eternal Suffering & WW3 (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Rabbi Breitowitz – Here are two !Short Clips! from the following Q&A. The first is what are the laws of (not) speaking during prayer or in shul (synogogue). The second are the regularly used proofs of Hashem’s existence and the Torah being true.

Full Q&A video:

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