
Q&A: Eliyahu Hanavi, Exile & The Holocaust (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Rabbi Breitowitz – Interesting Q&A sessions including answering questions like:

What is Karet (excision of the soul)? Including the machloket (disagreement) about what it actually means. (time stamp 31:55)

What does it mean Derech Eretz Kadma L’Torah? (common decency before the Torah). It might be different than one might think. (time stamp 1:06:35)

Do we encourage people to convert who have a lot of opposition from their family? This also includes a Jew who is becoming more religious in opposition to their family. There are important sensitivities involved. (time stamp 1:19:11)

Did the holocaust lead to the State of Israel? (time stamp 1:27:20)

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