Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – At the end of this video Rabbi Orlofsky shares an amazing lesson from a question from his audience. Do I have to follow what Jewish Law says or take my chances on my own judgment? Listen to what happens to the man on the airplane.
Q&A Question:
Entire Video:
Shares how Rivka Imenu is the epitomy of chesed just like Avraham Avinu – this chesed balances out Yizchak Avinu’s din (judgment) – parallel to how Sarah Imenu’s din balances out Avraham Avinu’s chesed. The story of Rivka is one of the main examples of chesed in the Torah. Tzedakah can only be done to a poor person (not a rich person who doesn’t need it) but chesed can be done to everyone. Doing chesed is bringing Hashem’s name and presence in the World – something we can all do and make the World a better place.
If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RabbiOrlofsky
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