Hebrew Months

Kavanah L’Mitzvos: How Mizmor L’Todah can help you increase Simcha in Adar

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares how we can orient our thinking towards living the mitzvot with simcha (happiness) both during the good times and the bad. Our hardships actually extend from Hashem’s love for us and for our highest good (even if it doesn’t feel like it).

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Hebrew Months Jewish Holidays

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein: The Month From the Days of Moshiach – Something FISHY about Adar

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – The Rabbi starts his class at about the 5:00 minute mark of the video after a relatively lengthy introduction. Great explanation about the month of Adar and the Purim story and how it relates to remembering the Beis Hamikdash’s destruction. First time posting a video of Rabbi Glatstein – the depth of the discussion was fascinating.

Click here for more videos from this Rabbi’s on Yiboneh’s YouTube Channel:

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Jewish Holidays

KLM Practical Steps How to Increase Joy in Adar

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shows us concrete steps on how we can actually increase your joy in the month of Adar and fulfill four separate mitvot in the process.

Personal Thoughts – To be honest, sometimes its just not that easy to be happy. Living my way into better thinking through actions (a.k.a. fake it until you make it) is on way to do it. Just do it – be happy!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his website:


Tehillim (Psalm) 22 – Dovid Hamelech and Ester Hamalka

Rebbetzin Rochel Silber – Shares shows us the relevance of Tehillim 22 (Psalm 22) to the Purim story in our current Hebrew month in Adar and to our own life as well.

Personal Thoughts – Really liked how the Rebbetzin tells us how to pray from the depths our being (like an orphan or a widow) and how to do so.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rebbetzin please visit this YouTube Channel: