Jewish Holidays

KLM Practical Steps How to Increase Joy in Adar

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shows us concrete steps on how we can actually increase your joy in the month of Adar and fulfill four separate mitvot in the process.

Personal Thoughts – To be honest, sometimes its just not that easy to be happy. Living my way into better thinking through actions (a.k.a. fake it until you make it) is on way to do it. Just do it – be happy!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his website:

Personal Growth

Proud To Be A Jew in the 21st Century

Rabbi Yaakov Rachimi shares with us what it takes to be happy and it’s much simpler than we imagined.

Personal Thoughts: I focused on the time period 34:00 – 37:00 mark on this video which has some incredibly simple wisdom (paraphrasing: Hashem created a World where every person has exactly what they need for their mission in life. The problems start when a person chooses to try to live a life that is not his (but someone elses). Rabbi Rachimi quotes Rav Dessler that exactly what a person needs is what makes him the happiest. Listen for yourself.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel: