Weekly Torah Portion

Shoftim – Growing Through Deuteronomy

Rabbi Trugman – Shares with us the weekly parashah of Shoftim and the connection to Tshuva in preparation for the new year.

Personal Thoughts – I like the Rabbi’s use of Rabbi Susha’s acronym to help navigate the Tshuva process.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Weekly Torah Portion

Devarim – Growing Through Deuteronomy

Rabbi Trugman – Shares with us seven different meanings of just the first pasuk (sentence) of this week’s Torah portion. This starts the final book the the Five Books of Moses.

Personal Thoughts – I enjoy learning more about all the different aspects of the simple Torah text – the uncovered secrets so to speak. Our sages say that the Torah is as wide as the ocean – vast in scope and meaning.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: