!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Current Events Are an Opportunity for Growth – Charlie Harary

Charlie Harary – Shares an analogy between what is written in the Torah when Am Yisroel (the Jewish People) left Egypt (the Exodus) and Amalek came to fight them. Moshe Rabbeinu went to the top of the mountain overlooking the fight and when he raised his hands towards heaven the Jews were victorious and when his hands dropped Amalek began to win. This is similar to our current times when Iran send missiles towards Israel the day before Rosh Hashanah which caused the Jewish people to look up towards the heavens, towards Hashem, and not one Jew was killed. As Yom Kippur approaches, the most important teshuva (repentance) we can do is to choose to be on Team Hashem and all that this entails. Choose the winning team!

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