!Short Clips!

Operation Swords of Iron: How to Cope? Rabbi Zamir Cohen in English (AI)

Rabbi Zamir Cohen – Shares a clean and concise message about hope in our current trying times and the dynamics of what is happening and the promise of the future. The feeling of powerlessness is real and frustrating – Rabbi Cohen gives us hope that it won’t last forever and that the solution is actually encapsulated inside the problem itself.

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Torah and Science: Rabbi Zamir Cohen At Bar Ilan University (Hebrew W/Subtitles)

Rabbi Zamir Cohen – In this video the Rabbi discusses the Torah and Science, how much Torah is relevant in today’s world, and the Jewish evolution. There are some pretty deep topics about the creation of the World and the spiritual backbone of it all. Very interesting!

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The Meaning of Shabbat: The Source of Blessing (Hebrew W/English Subtitles)

Rabbi Zamir Cohen – Pefect pre-Shabbat video. This class is a great summation of Shabbat and both a practical and spiritual guide on how to view Shabbat. Packed with information and how and why of Shabbat for both the observant and non-observant audience. A real video treasure.

Personal Thoughts – The examples Rabbi Cohen gives are exactly how I viewed Shabbat both before and at the beginning of my religious observance. It all looked like a lot of restrictions and boring(ness) and how could I get through a whole day of this. But both learning about and then slowly taking on new things slowly it became less of a burden and more of a delight until finally it became the absolute highlight of my week every week, never a burden, and something I could not live without. The process of becoming Shomer Shabbat and celebrating Shabbat (instead of just enduring it) created a constant and regular life changing spiritual experience. The advice that was given to me at the beginning was do one thing (light Shabbat candles, go to shul, learn) and do less of one thing work wise (don’t write or write less, don’t turn on any lights or do it less times, don’t open the phone or reduce) started a process that continues even today. Shabbat Shalom!

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The Jews

Why Does the World Hate Israel (Hebrew w/Subtitles)

Rabbi Zamir Cohen – Shares some information that has been presented many times before but not in a comprehensive way to help explain why the Jews experience such hatred by so many people throughout time and even moreso today. The Rav answers some tough questions with grace and clarity.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his website:

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Jewish Holidays

Rosh HaShanah: The Heavenly Day of Judgment (In Hebrew with English Subtitles – בעברית עם כתוביות באנגלית)