Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares some lessons of this week’s Torah reading including: The best ways to be an example for children and others and how to honor the elderly like fine wine that improves with age.
Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares about the upcoming Weekly Parsha of Vayigash – from the climatic meeting between Joseph and Yehuda to why Yaakov’s wife Rachel had to have children who became servants. Finally in the end we will see that every single thing was for the best (when we here “Ani Hashem) just like everything with Joseph being banished and imprisoned to the Jewish people going down to Egypt was for the best.
Rabbi Alon Anava – Shares how the story of Yosef Hatzadik can teach us how Hashem’s hand is responsible for those who hate us and if we get this message clearly we can be less angry and more able to forgive others for their behaviors towards us.
Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares about this “dramatic” parashah coming up with the clashing of two worlds represented by Yehuda and Yosef. The baal tshuva and the religious from birth. The Moshiach ben Yehuda and the Moshiach ben Yosef. Also, the Yosef cried eight times showing the power in being sensitive and emotional even as the most powerful man in the World. How did he learn to cry? From her Mother Rachel. According to Rav Ginsberg – the Hebrew word for tear is dima (dalet, mem, ayin, heh) which is the gematria of 119. Since two eyes drop tears X2 equals 238 which is the gematria of Rachel. Role models for Jewish leadership exemplified in both Yehuda and Yosef (repentance and sensitivity). Rabbi Trugman also shows how much Yaakov and Yosef’s life’s parallel each other throughout the events that they both experienced in their respective lives. Many more details in the video.