Weekly Torah Portion

Foresight – Shoftim (Weekly Parsha) and The Key to Successful Parenting – Rabbi Dovid Kaplan

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares some interesting “coincidental” word codes in the weekly parasha (Shoftim) and what we can learn from it and in the second !Short Clip! video some helpful tips on successful parenting that we learn from the Torah – the story of Yaakov Avinu and his grandchildren Menashe and Ephraim. The Torah teaches that the way we act and teach is to avoid embarrassing others even a little bit. If the current World could learn from avoiding embarrassing others it would certainly be a better place.

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Weekly Torah Portion

The Joy of Benching – Eikev (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares at time point 27:40 a very interesting Medrish derived from losing sleep from various issues which further develops the concept of how we can determine to course of our suffering throughout the year. We are not able to determine the amount of suffering (which is set on Rosh Hashanah) but we are able to guide the type of suffering through exchange. This concept is explained by the Steipler.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Pregnant Anger – Vaeschanan (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares that prayer works – not just figuratively but tangibly – which is sourced in a comment by Rashi at the very beginning of the Torah when Adam prayed for rain so the foliage would grow. This is why Hashem gave a mitzvah to Moshe Rabbeinu to not prayer anymore to go into Eretz Yisroel – because it works because Hashem says it works.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Rabbi Akiva Cried – Mattos (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares about the story of Rabbi Akiva crying when reading parts of this weeks’ upcoming (double) parashot. Rabbi Akiva cried because he foresaw his upcoming suffering when he was killed as one of the ten martyrs in the story about a woman breaking her vow that was annulled by her husband signalling inadvertent sins still require teshuva. This implied the rebuke from the Roman Ceasar who said that the ten matyrs required to be punished for the ten brothers (sons of Yaakov Avinu) selling Yosef into Egyptian slavery which although it turned out good the intention was not good.

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Shabbat Weekly Torah Portion

!Shabbat Shalom! The Talking Donkey – Balak (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares some interesting points in this week’s weekly parasha:

The way a person wants to go do good Hashem will help you, when he wants to take a bad path Hashem doesn’t prevent him from doing so

Bilaam was eager to go against Hashem’s will by cursing the Jewish people while our ancestor Avraham Avinu was eager to to do Hashem’s will. Both got up early and saddled their own donkey – but for diametrically different reasons.

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Weekly Torah Portion

The Spies and Land of the Giants – Shelach (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – In these two videos for this week’s upcoming Torah portion that we read on Shabbat, Rabbi Kaplan shares some of the details of the spies and their motivation when going into the Land of Israel. The second video focuses a lot of the Giants of the Land and the fear it instilled in the spies. However, all of these events had major back stories which negatively influenced the Jew’s view on entering the Land with unfortunate consequences. How can we learn lessons today to prevent their recurrence?

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Weekly Torah Portion

Shaving and Waving – Behaaloscha (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares interesting aspects of this week’s upcoming Torah portion that we read this Shabbat. There is a lot of discussion on the Leviim, on their hair shaving (and some prohibitions of shaving under current Jewish law), and the service in the Temple.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clip! Bread in the Basket – Behar (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares in this !Short Clip! about Shmitta teaching us about faith and furthermore that when it comes to us we are responsible to have faith but when it comes to others needs we do not rely on faith but take action to help others (spirituality through action). Two different approaches based on who its for – us or someone else.

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Weekly Torah Portion

!Shabbat Shalom! Perfect Marriages – Emor (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares about how the Kohen Gadol is the closest representative on Earth to Adam Ha-rishon before the original sin (who represented perfection). Adam was not subject to death or illness and was to be eternally married to Chava (Eve) prior to that original sin. The Kohen Gadol reminds us of that in that he was restricted from marrying only someone who was never with a man before, could not be in contact with anyone (even a close family member) who dies, and could not serve in the Beis Hamikdash (the Temple) if he had a physical imperfection (parallel to an illness).

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Weekly Torah Portion

A Humble Reminder – Tzav (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares about the upcoming weekly Torah portion (Tzav). Some of the highlights:

  1. One is energetic about things they have a love for.
  2. It’s proper to have an internal fire without having to show it off externally.
  3. Humility of ones skills are essential since they are gifts from Hashem.
  4. Anger comes from one’s ego.
  5. Wanting to be in conrol comes from one’s ego.
  6. The Mincha offering (with a Kometza measurent of flour) teaches us that the Torah has a recipe which is meant to be followed (precisely).

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