!Short Clips!

!Short Clip! This Will Bring the Redemption – Rebuilding the Third Temple

From the “House of Lev” a simple message of what action we can take to bring the Redemption…unconditional love.

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!Short Clips! Eretz Yisroel

!Short Clip! New Series KLM: THE MITZVAH OF ERETZ YISROEL Parshos Matos & Masei with Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Rabbi Wegbreit shares how even if you are just visiting Eretz Yisroel for work or tourist vacation you can focus your intention that you are “settling the Land” which is a mitzvah in the Torah. Live or visit, vacation or business – the Torah mitzvah still applies. Just a simple thought turns a trip into a mitzvah.

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!Short Clips! Gedolei Torah

!Short Clips! Living With The Times – Remembering the Ramak – Rabbi Moshe Kordavero By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares the story about the life of the Ramak and the passing of the baton (so to speak) to the Ari – all in the city of Tsfat.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Shulchan Aruch, Chapter 183: HaMevarech HaEich Yisnaheg b’Chos Shel Birkas HaMazon 13 – 14 By Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac

Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac – Shares on not doing something that is not related to benching while benching.

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!Short Clips! General Torah Weekly Torah Portion

Multi Video Feature – Rabbi Avraham Trugman, Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit, and Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen

Three videos featuring the yahrzeit of The Ohr HaChaim Hakadosh, the upcoming weekly parasha Pinchas, how to acquire mitzvot while sleeping, and the upcoming beginning of the three weeks of mourning that starts this Thursday.

Three videos featuring the yahrzeit of The Ohr HaChaim Hakadosh, the upcoming weekly parasha Pinchas, how to acquire mitzvot while sleeping, and the upcoming beginning of the three weeks of mourning that starts this Thursday.

Living With The Times – The Ohr HaChayim

Fruits of the Orchard – Pinchas

KLM: Know Hashem in All Your Ways – EVEN WHEN SLEEPING

Bein HaMetzarim: Weeks of Wrath? or Weeks of Love?

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clip! Living With The Times – Gimel Tamuz, The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Yahrtzeit By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares how The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Chabad movement has grown tremendously and it’s large influence in the Jewish World towards redemption with the coming of the Moshiach (may it come speedily in our days).

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!Short Clips! Hebrew Months

!Short Clip! Living With The Times – The Month of Tamuz 2 By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares how the “tov” (good) of Tammuz turned into the opposite and the subsequent redemption of the World delayed for thousands of years as a result. This “tov” day was the 17th of Tammuz the day Moshe Rabeinu broke the tablets of the ten commandments as the Jews worshiped the golden calf.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Monday – With video clips from Rabbi Asher Wegbreit, Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz, and Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi

Is It a Mitzvah To Take Out the Trash?

Chazon Ish and the Mussar movement

Importance of Tehillim

R. Aron Kotler and R. Moshe Feinstein

Meaning and result of Shema

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!Short Clips!

The Amazing Story of Mrs. Schoenig’s Shoes !Short Clip!

Yoel Gold – Shares an amazing story that happened during the Sbarro terrorist bomb attack which happened in August 2001. A woman explains what happened to her there in that attack and how a pair of shoes helped strengthen her faith in Hashem and add meaning to a blessing we say every morning when putting on our shoes. As she said – we will never know how many times Hashem has protected us.

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!Short Clips!

Jewish Professor Sacrifices His Life To Save Students

This video speaks for itself: