!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Numerical Gems in the Torah – L’chaim – The Antidote to Curses By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Trugman – Shares about this week’s upcoming Torah reading (Ki Tavo) about the blessings and the curses. There are 98 curses in this reading (double the amount of curses in a previous Torah reading is the Book of Vayikra). Why double? Because the first exile was only for 70 years while this one keeps going on and on (over 2,000 years and counting).

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Living With The Times – Secrets of the Blessings and Curses in the Torah

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares that through the blessings and the curses of the upcoming weekly Torah portion (Bechukotai) and how we see how the curses have played out over the history of the Jewish people. The good news is the blessings and prophecies are also playing out as planned which makes for a hopeful future.

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Shulchan Aruch, Chapter 185: L’varech Birkas HaMazon b’Kol Ram 2e By Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac

Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac – Shares some details about saying blessings and why there are certain elements and omissions therein.

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Jewish Law (Halachah)

Shulchan Aruch, Chapter 167: Mekom U’zeman HaBetziah 1 !Short Clips! by Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac

Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac – Very interested short video explaining why we make brachot (blessings) over food items and its parallel to the items in the Temple (may it be rebuilt speedily in our days – Amen!)

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How do we bring bracha into our life? by Rabbi Moshe Pinto

Rabbi Moshe Pinto – Shares with us the importance of tzniut (modesty or hiddeness) and it being the basis for bracha (blessing) in our lives individually and collectively as Jews. It is evident in many areas in our history including our tremendous population growth in Egypt from 70 soul to millions and the story of Bilam trying to curse but only being able to bless. Both are examples of the power of tzniut. Today we can experience this bracha most strongly on Shabbat. Listen to video to see how.

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Blessings General Torah Weekly Torah Portion

A Righteous Man From A Wicked Family

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – The first hour of this shiur (class) is packed with very helpful information of the blessings and prayers we say everyday and the actual sources in the beginning part of the Torah in Breisheit (Genesis).

Personal Thoughts – I have really been enjoying Rabbi Mizrachi’s shiurim (classes) on Breisheit (Genesis) and the vast knowledge the Rabbi brings to how it is really intertwined to my daily life.

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Personal Growth

What’s the Deal?

Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation – Powerful video on why we as Jews make a blessing not only on the good but on the (seemingly) bad as well.

Personal Thoughts – This has happened so many times in my own life but nonetheless continues to confound me time and time again….progress not perfection.

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Kavanah For the Mitzvos of Spirituality

KLM Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – shows us that there are nine mitzvot from the Torah for just the bracha (blessing) over a glass of water and the drinking of the water combined.

Personal Thoughts – The Rabbi gave me an opportunity to connect with Hashem in nine different ways over a simple glass of water. Just concentrating on all that keeps me so busy thinking about the good that it helps push away all the negativity. Try it for yourself! (Note: This video might be a little heavy for the uninitiated – the way I approach it is when viewing a video a little beyond where I’m currently holding religiously is just try to get one beneficial concept out of it – like I mentioned in the about section on this blog ( – “take what you want and leave the rest” – hope this helps!)

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