
Connecting to the Shabbat Prayers – Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – Shares about the difference between the “sameness” of the everyday prayers and even the Jewish Holiday prayers and the uniqueness of the Shabbat prayers. How we travel from the historical Shabbat of the entire Jewish people during the evening prayer to the very present Shabbat of the morning prayer to the Shabbat of the future (redemption) in the afternoon prayer. The journey makes Shabbat prayers uplifting and transformative every week we experience them.

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Why do Prayers not get Answered all the time

Rabbi Yaakov Altman – Shares with us another interesting perspective on prayer and some things we may not have considered when wondering why our prayers haven’t been answered.

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Blessings General Torah Weekly Torah Portion

A Righteous Man From A Wicked Family

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – The first hour of this shiur (class) is packed with very helpful information of the blessings and prayers we say everyday and the actual sources in the beginning part of the Torah in Breisheit (Genesis).

Personal Thoughts – I have really been enjoying Rabbi Mizrachi’s shiurim (classes) on Breisheit (Genesis) and the vast knowledge the Rabbi brings to how it is really intertwined to my daily life.

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Personal Growth Prayer

!Short Clips!

Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac – Within the context of how to erase what has been written on parchment (Torah, Tefillin, and Mizuzot), the Rabbi tells us a life lesson as well – that (paraphrasing) “sometime we have to wait until our mistake has dried before doing teshuva on it”.

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares how our prayers for our zivug (life partner) is intimately tied to our success in parnasa (sustenance) – daily focused prayer (Hibodidut) to Hashem is essential for both to be fruitful.