!Short Clips!

!Short Clip! Bread in the Basket – Behar (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares in this !Short Clip! about Shmitta teaching us about faith and furthermore that when it comes to us we are responsible to have faith but when it comes to others needs we do not rely on faith but take action to help others (spirituality through action). Two different approaches based on who its for – us or someone else.

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Personal Growth Prayer

Awaken Your Emunah I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

Awaken Your Emunah I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares about the main way to change your life – E-M-U-N-A-H! Rabbi Kalmus says that according to Rav Nachman (of Breslov) the four elements to true emunah is: Belief in Hashem that He is renewing creation every moment, Belief in the Torah that it is the blueprint for Jews, Belief in Tzadikim that they are the ones who are the Jewish leaders to emulate, and Belief in yourself that without it you can’t have true faith.

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Double Feature Monday – Rabbi David Kalmus

Double Feature Monday – Rabbi David Kalmus

These videos focus on how we can find faith during the dark times of life and how we can be uplifted and bring the redemption. That everything comes from Hashem and when redemption comes that will be very clear in hindsight but right now it’s hidden from us.

Emunah In The Nights:

Spiritual Uplifting:

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Personal Growth

Rabbi Kalmus Double Feature – Cure for Covid and The Best is Yet to Come

Back to back inspirational videos by Rabbi Kalmus that helps bring the focus on emunah (faith) instead of relying on nature (nurture not nature, spirituality not philosophy). Also the source of new ideas that “pop” up and why things are growing and changing so rapidly and a story about Albert Einstein.

Newsletter – Rabbi Kalmus’s organization, Tzion Breslov Project, also started a newsletter that comes out before Shabbat – you can sign up for that free here as well:

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Personal Growth

The Three Levels of Emunah (!Short Clip!)

Rabbi Benyamin Vineburg – As some of us start feeling the winter blues, Rabbi Vineburg shares with some root emunah (faith) concepts and how everything that happens affects from the very beginning of the World itself. As the Rav said, “when you take time for someone else, Hashem will take even more time for you”.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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Personal Growth

How to Receive Clarity In a Time of Utter Darkness

Rabbi David Kalmus – Shares how the light of the Sun is really the light of Hashem. We can choose to be the moon and be a vessel for that light.

Personal Thoughts – I liked how the Rabbi describes the benefits of faith vs. nature and appreciated the understanding of how difficult this is to actualize in real life. Chag Sameach!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Personal Growth

You’re Life Can Only Change When You Stop Judging Others

Rabbi David Kalmus – Shares how empathy and not judgment is not only for everyone’s benefit but for our benefit as well.

Personal Thoughts – Complete emunah (faith) is the goal for a happy fulfilled life.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Weekly Torah Portion

Achieving Complete Faith in G-d

Rabbi Aaron Dovid Poston – Shares with us the most recent Parasha topic of HaMaan (the Manna) and what it symbolized then and what it symbolizes now in our current lives.

Personal Thoughts – I really enjoyed how Rabbi Poston related such an ancient story of the Manna to present day and how we can use the concepts to have faith that our daily bread still comes from heaven – now more than ever!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Personal Growth

Break Through

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus shares some of Rabbi Nachman’s Torah on what our goal is – faith! The Land of Israel is the concept of Emunah!

Personal Thoughts: The goal of my lifes’ journeys is faith that Hashem wants the best for me and all things that happened in my life is for my highest good. Just knowing my destination makes me feel better.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

General Torah

Close Your Eyes, Awaken Emunah

Emunah (Faith) – Rabbi Dovid Yisroel Kalmus – shares how to find Emunah in the darkness and how Hashem is everywhere but we also have free will (paradox).

Personal Thoughts: Interesting concepts in this video like why do we have more desires for tivahs (bad thoughts/actions – like over-eating, trouble seek behavior) at night as opposed to day. Also, learned how to deal with the paradox of having free will vs. Hashem knowing how everything will turn out and how to avoid getting lost in this spiritually. Deep stuff! Hope you enjoy it.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: