World Events

(Re-Post) The Real Story of X-mas & New Years Eve

This is a re-post of the post from the last three years at this time.

Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen shares the truth behind X-mas & New Years Eve and why Jews should re-consider their current viewpoint and disposition towards them.

Additionally, there is some audio added summarizing a similar position by Rabbi David Kalmus.

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Personal Growth

Breakthrough I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – At the beginning of this class, Rabbi Kalmus shares about the root soul and how we relate to that root soul. The root soul (Adam) yields three sub-root souls (Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov) yields 12 sub-sub-root sould (the 12 tribes of Yaakov) yields 70 sub-sub-sub-root souls (the souls that went down to Egypt) yields 600,000 sub-sub-sub-sub-root souls (the Jewish souls that traveled from Egypt through the desert to Mount Sinai to get the Torah). We are each individually rooted in those root souls.

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Personal Growth

Only the Truth Remains I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares about going to the source of our problem – both collectively and personally – the cause of the cause and the cause of everything is Hashem so this is the source of our problems and the only source of our solutions. How do we deal with judgement in the World? Clapping and dancing! Why? Everything is for our greatest good.

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Personal Growth

3 Steps to Happiness I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – In this class given about three weeks ago, Rabbi Kalmus shares the three steps to happiness and connection to Hashem:

Start Over Again
Be Simple

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Personal Growth

Finding Happiness I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares about where we are going – the next World is pulling us there and where do we find this? Shabbos! All the painful things in our life are only painful because we forget where we are going. Once we remember where we are going (Shabbos) then the pain has a purpose. Also, Rabbi Kalmus talks about that we need to fear and need to love – its our choice what to fear and what to love.

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Personal Growth Prayer

Awaken Your Emunah I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

Awaken Your Emunah I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares about the main way to change your life – E-M-U-N-A-H! Rabbi Kalmus says that according to Rav Nachman (of Breslov) the four elements to true emunah is: Belief in Hashem that He is renewing creation every moment, Belief in the Torah that it is the blueprint for Jews, Belief in Tzadikim that they are the ones who are the Jewish leaders to emulate, and Belief in yourself that without it you can’t have true faith.

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Jewish Holidays

Chanukah – Ecstacy of the World to Come I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares about the main way to get connected to Hashem is through saying “thank you” aka as gratitude. Chanukah is a lesson in thank you. Mitzvot are a lesson in thank you. Learning and following halachot (Jewish Law) are a lesson in thank you.

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General Torah

Nothing’s Lost I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares through the story that Hashem is there is all our difficulties and without those difficulties we would never find Him. So be grateful for them, lean into them, embrace them, and celebrate when it all turns around for us.

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Several folks have already proactively made donations to help those in Israel affected by the War – food, medical services, food/items for Israeli soldiers, and items to support religious activities/services. If you would like to take part please send an email to: and we will send you a personal Paypal link to make a donation. 100% of all donations go right to the recipients – there is no overhead. This is done on a volunteer basis only.

Like we prayed on Rosh Hashana:
Teshuva (repentance), Tefilah (prayer), and Tzedakah (charity) remove an evil decree.


Through Tzedaka, the Jews will be Saved I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares a very interested perspective about Tzedaka and the power it has to open doors to many things in our lives. This is from the perspective of Rav Nachman of Breslov. Rabbi Kalmus mentions how the world Tzedaka comes from the word zedek (which means justice). When we practice this valuable attribute we bring bring positive justice to ourselves and justice to the World at large.

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Several folks have already proactively made donations to help those in Israel affected by the War – food, medical services, food/items for Israeli soldiers, and items to support religious activities/services. If you would like to take part please send an email to: and we will send you a personal Paypal link to make a donation. 100% of all donations go right to the recipients – there is no overhead. This is done on a volunteer basis only.

Like we prayed on Rosh Hashana:
Teshuva (repentance), Tefilah (prayer), and Tzedakah (charity) remove an evil decree.

!Short Clips! Prayer

!Short Clips! This is the Beginning of Geula by Rabbi David Kalmus

In this !Short Clip! (please watch until the end of video for an amazing story at the end that just happened), Rabbi Kalmus focuses on the possibility that maybe Hashem wants us to pray all day (and not just check a box that we prayed) and also on the feeling of why we may feel crippled in our life in general and how that drives us to pray more. Throw yourself on Hashem and He will take care of you completely.

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