Current Events

The Hardships of America & The Emergence of Gog Before Mashiach By Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – Shares how current events are pointing towards identifying Gog and a potential candidate to help usher in the Moshiach ben Yosef. Things are moving quickly in the World today towards resolution.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Rabbi Tovia Singer: Sukkot, War of GoG and MaGoG AND FINAL REDEMPTION

Rabbi Tovia Singer – Shares in the Sukkah about what the roof means versus other normal roofs from a deeply spiritual perspective and how that affects the future war before the Moshiach arrives. Short and strong lesson!

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General Torah

Q&A: End of Days War of Gog & Magog, Zionism, Army Drafting, Black Hats, Who is Amalek, Suicide

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Lots of interesting questions and answers in this regularly occurring Q&A with the Rabbi. Lots of great information and straightforward answers to some commonly asked but sometimes complex questions about Judaism.

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