!Short Clips! Weekly Torah Portion

!Short Clips! Proof of the Torah’s Truth – Parshat Behar – Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair

Rabbi Sinclair – Shares how in this week’s upcoming Torah portion (Behar) we learn about the description of Shmitta (letting the Land of Israel lie fallow every seven years) as being a law give at Har Sinai (Mount Sinai). The proof is that for the first 42 Shmitta cycles (hundreds of years) the promise Hashem gave the Jewish people that the sixth year crop will last for three years came true without fail. Therefore, we deduce that since that law given at Har Sinai to the Jewish people unfailingly came to fruition we can confidently assume all the other laws in the Torah that were also given are valid as well. These laws have never changed and are still valid today – Hashem has given us free choice to follow them (or not – chas ve’shalom).

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! The Underlying Message of the Entire Torah – Parshas Mishpatim – Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – Shares about why the very first mitzvah after Har Sinai (Mount Sinai) concerns a slave who wants to stay with his master after his six years of servitude is over. His master puts the slaves ear to the doorpost and puts a hole in his ear. Why? This short video explains it and the overarching importance of what it means to be a slave to a master and to THE MASTER, Hashem.

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Jewish Holidays Prayer

It’s Rosh Chodesh Sivan tonight – Special prayers to recite

Rabbi Alon Anava – If you have kids no matter what age Rabbi Anava shares what prayer parents can say that is specific to this day (Rosh Chodesh Sivan – the first of the month of Sivan) to bring down the energy leading up to the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. This energy is the same energy as the original ancient energy when the Jewish people received the Torah at Har (Mount) Sinai that becomes available to us every year at this time.

The prayers Rabbi Alon Anava references are available in both Hebrew and English here:

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