
Rabbi Mizrachi In Pico, LA – A Healthy Home by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Great lecture about a healthy and vibrant marriage and the proper way to act and how it relates to the most recent weekly Torah portions.

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Personal Growth

Partnerships In Life (in Chicago)

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Relatively short lecture about how important various partnerships are in our lives, including practical advice on how to improve our relationship with our significant other.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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!Short Clips! Personal Growth Weekly Torah Portion

The Secret to a Great Marriage – !Short Clip! (Audio)

Rabbi David Aaron – In this past week’s parasha (Vayeitzei) we hear about Yaakov marrying both Leah and Rachel and how their father (Lavan) switched Leah in place of Rachel. This has resulted in our current Jewish custom of “checking” the bride before the chupah (wedding canopy). Rabbi Aaron shares some of the deeper meanings of this custom and how we can learn the secret to a great marriage through this knowledge. Packed with wisdom and only 2 minutes.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel:

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Personal Growth

Making A Good Marriage Better – Not A Partnership – Shabbat Shalom!

Tod Jacobs, Dr. Peter Lyn, and Rabbi Dov Birbaum – Show us practical steps to build a marriage with a strong foundation (regardless of what stage the marriage is in).

Personal Thoughts – Love the way how they incorporate Jewish ideals of giving in marriage in a way that is doable and not overwhelming.

If you are interested in more videos like this please visit this YouTube Channel: