World Events

(Re-Post) The Real Story of X-mas & New Years Eve

This is a re-post of the post from the last three years at this time.

Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen shares the truth behind X-mas & New Years Eve and why Jews should re-consider their current viewpoint and disposition towards them.

Additionally, there is some audio added summarizing a similar position by Rabbi David Kalmus.

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Other Religions

The Real Story of X-mas & New Years Eve

This is a re-post of the post from last year at this time.

Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen shares the truth behind X-mas & New Years Eve and why Jews should re-consider their current viewpoint and disposition towards them. Perfect timing!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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Other Religions

The Real Story of X-mas & New Years Eve

Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen shares the truth behind X-mas & New Years Eve and why Jews should re-consider their current viewpoint and disposition towards them. Perfect timing!

Personal Thoughts: I had no idea the true background of these two holidays. The Rabbi showed me a clear explanation with solid backing on my somewhat innocuous viewpoint. Glad I became educated. Highly recommended particularly considering the timing. On a side note, here is a somewhat misplaced “Short Clip” that I thought should be categorized here, “The 9th of Teves!?” – Interesting mashal (story) on why the 9th of Tevet was a day of fasting and its relation to Christianity –

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: