!Short Clips! Personal Growth Weekly Torah Portion

The Secret to a Great Marriage – !Short Clip! (Audio)

Rabbi David Aaron – In this past week’s parasha (Vayeitzei) we hear about Yaakov marrying both Leah and Rachel and how their father (Lavan) switched Leah in place of Rachel. This has resulted in our current Jewish custom of “checking” the bride before the chupah (wedding canopy). Rabbi Aaron shares some of the deeper meanings of this custom and how we can learn the secret to a great marriage through this knowledge. Packed with wisdom and only 2 minutes.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel:

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The Afterlife

What Happens With the Soul After Death (With Q&A)

Rabbi David Aaron – Share with us various Jewish sources on what happens to our soul after death in layman’s terms.

Personal Thoughts – Rabbi Aaron takes what are sometimes very complex subjects/topics and makes them easily digestible for those with little Jewish background.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Personal Growth

Meaningful Minute: To Love And Be Loved (Short Clip)

Rabbi David Aaron – My spiritual Rebbe shows how to hug someone by making a space for them. Very short video clip.

Personal Thoughts – We can all sure use an actual hug right now (I know I can) considering the state of the (pandemic) World at the moment. This video from my Rebbe explaining spiritually what a hug actually is will have to suffice in the meantime. Hugs!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: