!Short Clips!

!Short Clip! The Shocking Truth About Assimilation & Intermarriage – Rabbi Yehudah Silver

Rabbi Yehudah Silver – Shares the powerful statistics of the enormity of the assimilation/intermarriage issue dwarfing the impact of even the Shoah (Holocaust). This !Short Clip! video discusses the problem, will post the why in some future videos B’H. Stay tuned.

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Jewish Holidays

Tu Bishvat – Higia Chag La’ilanot

Rabbi Yehudah Silver – Explains many aspects of Tu Bishvat and how it relates to many spiritual concepts in the past and the present. Also, a nice song for the Holiday as well. Enjoy.

Personal Thoughts – There are so many things that we need to work on individually, as a Jewish people, and World collectively. This video helped motivate me to continue on a spiritual path. Come join me!