
Tehillim Treasures: Episode #1 Chapters 3 & 4 – Rabbi Yechiel Spero

Rabbi Yechiel Spero – Shares about the two chapters of Tehillim (Psalms) from the perspective of Dovid Hamelech (King David) during his many trials and tribulations. How he cried out to Hashem for help and support during these tough times which can inspire us now to also cry out to Hashem for help in our personal and national troubles.

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Time Tunnel – The Moment That Saved Our Future By Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi

This is a small section towards the end of Rabbi Mizrachi lecture that talks about such a small gift that Boaz gives Ruth that results in her being the great great grandmother of Dovid Hamelech (the birth of the Messiah so to speak) and the amazing book of Tehillim (Psalms) that came from him that is read Worldwide even today by many different types of people both Jews and Non-Jews. The Book of Psalms is responsible for millions of miracles and basically 80% of everyday Jewish prayer is comprised of them. After that section, the Rav talks about spectator sports and why it has become so popular in modern times and the non-spiritual reason there is such a focus on it.

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Rebbetzin Rochel Silber – Perek 40

Rebbetzin Rochel Silber – Reveals how King David’s life and history was laid out in the Book of Ruth and in the Chumash (Five Books of Moses) itself and how he expressed this in Tehillim (Psalm #40). We can use this inspiration to tap into our own energy and life’s purpose.

Tehillim 55:

Shir Hashirim at Alot Hashachar and what beginners should focus on:

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KLM – Part 2 – A Single Psalm is Packed with Mitzvot

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – tells us how we can have deep kavanah (intention) when reading Psalms (Tehillim) particularly for healing to those that are currently sick. Also all the mitzvot we are fulfilling when we do this.

Personal Thoughts – This taught me the importance of having kavanah (intention) when doing the various mitzvot and a step by step approach how to do this. It is difficult to not do mitzvot out of habit but to overcome this at least some of the time can greatly increase my spirituality and closeness to Hashem. Work in progress here!

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