
The Messianic Age | The Official Podcast of Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – Shares some amazing insights on the messianic age and how we can make the best of our opporunities. How free will changes from now until the comiing of the Moshiach. The difference between Dovid and Gog/Magog in terms of the letters of each of those names. Also, how we can pray for the coming of Moshiach if we can’t grasp the true meaning but that we have faith that we know it will be ultimately good (even in light of the “birth pangs” to get there).

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Jewish Holidays

We Need Miracles NOW! & This Will Help Us Get Them – HANUKKAH 2024

This is How to End ALL Wars & Bring Messiah, Mashiach Once and for All

When there is hate & fighting among the Jewish People, sadly God can remove His infinite protection from us. The sages teach us that when there is love and unity among the Jewish people – God in His loving Kindness overlooks our sins and has mercy on us, protecting us from all harm.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! What Is the Jewish Belief About Messiah? Rabbi YY Jacboson

Rabbi Jacobson – Shares what is the consciousness of Moshiach (the Messiah) and how we can accept this at a deep level. The energy is there – our job is to tap into it individually and collectively. We are each an indispensable part of bringing Moshiach – our individual uniqueness is here for a reason.

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Balaam and Moshiach (Parshas Balak) (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Rabbi Breitowitz – Shares a very interesting connection between Balaam and Moshiach and additional facts related to Moshiach as it relates to Bar Kochba and false messiahs as well. There is a potential Moshiach in every generation but so far we have not been worthy of it manifesting.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Video 43 – Not Everybody Hates Us By Rabbi Isser Z. Weisberg

Rabbi Isser Z Weisberg – Shares about how the prophesies of the times of Moshiach and the role of the righteousness gentiles are happening right now before our eyes. It’s amazing how Hashem is orchestrating the “pieces on the chess board” in real time and impossible to ignore. Although the birth pangs of Moshiach are painful to say the least – it’s happening – and we all can be a part of it (Jew or Gentile).

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Awaiting The Coming of The Messiah – Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – Shares about how the only mitzvah in the Chumash that says that Hashem is doing is waiting for the Geula (the redemption/coming of Moshiach) and therefore when we also anticipate this we are emulating Hashem and this action/thought/prayer in and of itself helps make it happen.

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!Short Clips!

What will happen to unaffiliated Jews when Moshiach comes???

Yoel Gold – Shares a story that will certainly resonate with unaffiliated/secular Jews. What about us? This is relevant in our times as World events show us that time is approaching.

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hebrew calendar date

The Birth of Moshiach and Preparation for Tisha B’Av (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowtiz – Shares about the days leading up to Tisha B’Av which starts next Wednesday night. The Rav talks about the amount of questions that are asked about the details of this period of time on the Jewish calendar but points out that the more important and less discussed aspect is the importance of self-improvement and teshuva (repentance). While focusing on the details are important it is more important to focus on the why we are here in the first place and by improving ourselves and the World around us (the tikun or fixing process) we can bring the World at large closer to redemption and peace.

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Time Tunnel – The Moment That Saved Our Future By Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi

This is a small section towards the end of Rabbi Mizrachi lecture that talks about such a small gift that Boaz gives Ruth that results in her being the great great grandmother of Dovid Hamelech (the birth of the Messiah so to speak) and the amazing book of Tehillim (Psalms) that came from him that is read Worldwide even today by many different types of people both Jews and Non-Jews. The Book of Psalms is responsible for millions of miracles and basically 80% of everyday Jewish prayer is comprised of them. After that section, the Rav talks about spectator sports and why it has become so popular in modern times and the non-spiritual reason there is such a focus on it.

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Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Raymond Sultan – Of the Sephardic Heritage Museum shows a video recently while on Har He’Zetim (The Mount of Olives) overlooking the Temple Mount and revealing the four letters of one of the many names of Hashem currently forming from the natural growth of foliage on the wall surrounding the Temple Mount. The signs of Moshiach coming are growing!

<Click on the picture below to go to the video>

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