Weekly Torah Portion

Triple Feature Tuesday

Three videos from:

Rabbi Moshe Pinto Shlita – Miracles and Kindness and Strength. Three ways of the mechanics of how miracles can occur according to Jewish traditions and the approach to kindness and sacrifice that our Forefathers Avraham Avinu and Yitzchak Avinue and Foremother Sarah Imenu showed us.

Here is an written exerpt from one of the videos (paraphrased from the words of Rabbi Pinto):

What is a miracle? In the Zohar Hakadosh Hashem created the World He created malachim (angels) that represent laws of nature (angel of the sun, angel of the water, etc). The angel also protects the laws of nature that Hashem installed with that specific creation. The Zohar Hakadosh says a miracle is in and of its essence something above nature. In order for Hashem to create a miracle He needs to create a shift of nature for that miracle to happen. Many kabbalists say there are two ways to create a miracle.

Feel free to watch the first video (“The cost of a miracle!”) at timestamp 3:40 to find out how Rabbi Pinto explains those two ways. Very interesting stuff!

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