General Torah

The snake and pharaoh had no freedom of choice! By Rabbi Moshe Pinto by Rabbi Moshe Pinto

Rabbi Pinto – Shares how the primordial snake in the Adam and Eve story reincarnates into Esav and Pharoah in the future to challenge us again to do the right thing and become greater than if the snake was not present in our lives. What is our “snake” in our lives that drives our path to choose between good and evil?

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General Torah

!Short Clips! Part Two – Tuesday – With Clips from the Rosh Yeshiva of Ohr Somayach, Rabbi Moshe Pinto, and Rabbi David Kalmus

Rosh Yeshiva’s Erev Shavuos Address | Ohr Somayach – for the Torah to go to the next generation is much be sweet now

Dovid Hamelech Tehillim – our role model – he left his book (of prayers) of his journey – by Rabbi Moshe Pinto

The Question isn’t where is God – It’s Where are We?

Redemption I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus – You not struggling because you are doing something wrong its because you are doing something right.

Take your bad traits and turn them into good ones.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Parashot Acharei Mot-Kedoshim Weekly Summary – With video clips from Rabbi Moshe Pinto, Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman, and Rabbi David Kaplan

The Best Addiction by Rabbi Moshe Pinto Parasha Chaye Mot

Rabbi Pinto – Shares how important it is to focus on our “true” life which is our spiritual life which does not expire like our physical bodies. This perspective replaces despair with inspiration allowing us to leave our “life” problems behind.

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares about the aspect of this double parasha as it pertains to Yom Kippur.

It Gets My Goat (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha – Acharei Mos)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Interesting discussion about this week’s upcoming double Torah portion (Acharei-Mos) and the yearly event on Yom Kippur of the two goats. One is given as a korban (offering) to Hashem, while the other is pushed off a cliff to Azalzel. Rabbi Kaplan shares the deeper meaning behind all of this and how it is relevant to our current life and lifestyle.

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General Torah

!Short Clip! Monday

Arab Remembers Honesty of Jews Fifty Years Later. An Incredible Story!!!

How to Stay Inspired Rabbi Moshe Aharon Pinto Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei

How To Be Happy

KLM: An Attitude of Gratitude! Benefits in Service to Hashem with Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit

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!Short Clips! Weekly Torah Portion

Shabbat Shalom – Should We Ask For Miracles? The Golden Calf and We Are Always Connected – Parasha Ki Tisa !Short Clips! by Rabbi Moshe Pinto

Rabbi Pinto – Shares how the sin of the golden calf was not prevented by outright visible miracles which teaches us that miracles will also not help us believe more in Hashem in a way we may think. “Just show me a sign” is a common refrain but it doesn’t help for any length of time.

Also, Rabbi Pinto shares how our Jewish roots are impervious to damage unlike the upper branches of the tree and those roots are our connection.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Shabbat Shalom Parasha Tetzaveh – Rabbi Kalmus and Rabbi Pinto

To Heal, You Must Hear Your Story! [PART 1] By Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – This Purim our story will be told as a People and as an individual. Through the stories of the Baal Shem Tov that Rabbi Kalmus shares we can hear our story as a Jew. Deep talk.


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Unconditional Love Parasha Tezaveh by Rabbi Moshe Pinto

Rabbi Pinto – Shares that measure for measure in terms of our unconditional love for Hashem will in turn is “paid back” with unconditional forgiveness. It is how we survived the sin of the golden calf and it’s how we survive today.

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General Torah

Naaseh VeNishma by HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz, End of Days By Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz, Reincarnation by Rabbi Moshe Pinto, There is Good, Open Your Eyes and You’ll See it By Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

A variety of videos for this past week with some of the following highlights:

-Rabbi Breitowitz shares how when we put on tefillin we are following the dictum of Naaseh VeNishma (arm being Naaseh and head being VeNishma).

-Rabbi Dr. Tatz shares the Torahs sources for what will happen during the end of days (and some of the current events reflecting those sources).

-Rabbi Pinto shares the Torah’s view of reincarnation and how we can see in manifest in our current days.

-Rabbi Kalmus share how faith in our current circumstances is a reason in and of itself equalizing the good and bad events that happen in life.

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Personal Growth

The Purpose of Moving Forward and Modern Day Enslavement, & How to Overcome it by Rabbi Moshe Pinto

Why is “halacha” how Jewish law is expressed? – that we are always moving forward towards our goal. This is much bigger and more importan than simple “law” – it is the essence of being a Jew.

Why Jews are capable to be above everything and only Hashem is above us and how we have the option to choose slavery to something or someone else. The choice we make determines our standing and our path in life.

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General Torah

Dirt helps the seed grow! So should every challenge by Rabbi Moshe Pinto

Rabbi Moshe Pinto – The “dirt” of life is actually necessary for physical and spiritual growth just like a seed needs dirt to create the environment for growth. So dirt is not a negative and messy but a positive attribute to life itself.

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Jewish Holidays

Chanukah Sameach!

Multi Topic Monday (Chanuka Plus) – Rabbi Tatz, Rabbi Wegbreit, Rabbi Pinto, and Rabbi Alon Anava

There were so many great introductory classes on Chanukah and related topics including the weekly parasha that it made sense to do another Torah blitz Monday with four videos. Hope you enjoy them!

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz: Greek Beauty – A Chanukah Questions and Jewish Beauty

Rabbi Ashwer Baruch Wegbreit: KLM Chanukah: How to Create 8 Days of Wow

Rabbi Moshe Pinto: There is a hidden world that we must live in!

Rabbi Alon Anava: When you lust is out of control….What do you do?

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