Weekly Torah Portion

Do the Ends Always Justify the Means?

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Shares about the weekly Torah Parasha (Tolidot) and a lot of different viewpoints and in depth thoughts about many aspects of the story of Yitzhak, Rivka, Esav, and Yaakov. One example was when Rabbi Breitowitz shared that when Yaakov deceived his father to capture Esav’s blessing with his mother’s help that Yitzhak actually new that Yaakov was standing in front of him and still gave him the blessing. In a sense he was testing Yaakov to see if he had the ability to go against his nature (which was truth) to be able to deal with rough people he would encounter is his life and survive them. The downside is by participating in the deception it affected his future life greatly with many deceptions he had to experience (ie. Lavan, Yosef) in the future parashas we will read in the subsequent weeks. If you are interested to learn more in depth about this parasha please watch the video in full (about 1 hour).

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