Gedolei Torah

The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s View on the Security of Israel (Rabbi YY Jacobson)

Rabbi Jacobson – Shares about his experience of listening the the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s regular shiurim which were prescient to our current times (particularly the current War in the Land of Israel). The Rebbe shared the three reasons why we are suffering then (60s/70s/80s) and now. At that time the Rebbe was ridiculed including by government figures. Unfortunately, those things have clearly come true and we are suffering for it today. The “moral of the story” is the solution is becoming connected to the Torah and observing the Torah. All the answers were always there and are still there.

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Gedolei Torah

The Story of a Dedicated Life – Rabbi Yitzhak Dovid Grossman

Rabbi Rabbi Yitzhak Dovid Grossman – Basically shares the Rabbi’s life story and how instead of just resting on his laurels and being a big tzaddik, Rabbi Grossman completely transformed into even a bigger tazaddik by going out and helping others as the Rabbi’s lifes work. Amazing and inspiring!

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Gedolei Torah General Torah

Ahavath Chesed by the Chafetz Chaim

Perfect timing for this time of the year between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur on the importance of focusing on the most important things in life that can actually help you instead of those that can’t.

This is from the book called “Ahavath Chesed” from the Chafetz Chaim, Page 210 in the chapter “Arranging One’s Affairs”:

The Midrash aptly illustrates this situation with a parable: “There was once a man who had three friends. He loved the first very much, the second somewhat less. The third, he neither loved nor esteemed. Once the king issued a summons for this man, and the royal officer hastened to bring him to the palace. The man was terribly afraid. He suspected that he had been slandered and that he would be put to death innocently. All he could  think of was to call and ask his good and reliable friend, the one he loved  most, to go with him and testify to his innocence before the king. He went to this friend and told him what had happened, but the friend refused to go with him, and paid no heed to him. He left and went to his second friend. This one agreed to accompany him on the way to protect him from untoward incidents, but refused to appear before the king. As soon as they would reach the royal palace, be would leave and go home. The man then went to his third friend, whom he esteemed not at all, and asked him to go with him before the king. This friend replied: ‘Don’t be afraid. I’ll go with you; I’ll come  to the king and testify on your behalf, and you will be saved.’ He went, spoke up for the man, and saved him from harm. The first, most beloved of all friends, is man’s money. It leaves  him  on the day he dies and gives him nothing to take with him, as it says (Psalms 49.18): ‘His wealth  shall not descend after him.’ The second friend represents his sons and relatives who accompany him to the grave, then take their leave and depart. The third friend, the one who testified on his behalf, is his repentance and good deeds. These accompany him and  testify on his behalf, as it says (Isaiah. 58.8): ‘And your righteousness shall go before you.’ The King who issued the summons in the King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He, from Whose judgment no man can escape except by Torah and ma’asim tovim (good deeds).”

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Gedolei Torah

Living With The Times – Remembering the Arizal By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares a short biography about the Arizal (Rabbi Yitchak Luria) the most influential Rabbi of the Kabbalah.

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!Short Clips! Gedolei Torah

!Short Clips! Living With The Times – Remembering the Ramak – Rabbi Moshe Kordavero By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares the story about the life of the Ramak and the passing of the baton (so to speak) to the Ari – all in the city of Tsfat.

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Gedolei Torah

Hesped of Harav Gershon Edelstein (Rabbi Eliyahu Klugman) (Eulogies – Hespedim)

Rabbi Eliyahu Klugman – Shares that we can learn about ourselves by learning about the way Harav Edelstein’s lived his life. As Moshe Rabeinu taught us in the Torah that the less we fill up ourselves about ourselves (self centeredness/ego) the more room there is to fill ourselves up with Hashem and what He is trying to teach us in our life.

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Gedolei Torah

A Glimpse into the Life of Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe 1914-2005 By Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen

Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen – Shares the story of Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe and the effect he had on Jews from across the religious and non-religious spectrum. Rabbi Wolbe’s outsized influence on the World is surely something to look up to and strive towards.

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Gedolei Torah

Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #96 | The Torah in the Klipah (Ramchal’s Yahrtzeit) | Audio

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – Really interested class on the Ramchal (in honor of his Yahrtzeit – day of his passing) and the Kabbalah that he taught that we reference today. He did this while being under pressure not to share Kabbalah.

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Gedolei Torah

Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #90 Rav Chaim Kanievsky ZTL A Living Sefer Torah AUDIO

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – A really nice shiur (class) about not only the importance of Rav Kanievsky and his most recent passing but the heavy ramifications of that event and the possibility that this could be the trigger event to bring Moshiach (the Messiah) – may it happen speedily in our days.

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Gedolei Torah

Rabbi Shmaryahu Yosef Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L רַב שמריהו יוסף חיים קַניֶבסקִי זצוק”ל

This is the incredible and phenomenal seder hayom (daily learning schedule) of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, זצוק”ל:

He would wake up a half hour after Chazos and say Tikun Chatzos, then he would learn:
11 pages of Zohar
10 Prakim of Tehillim
8 Prakim of Tanach
10 Simanim of Mishna Berura
8 Prakim of Rambam
10 Simanim of Tur and Shulchan Aruch
8 Daf of Talmud Bavli
8 Daf of Talmud Yerushalmi
8 Prakim of Midrashim
8 Daf of Kisvei HaAri
8 Daf of Kisvei Haramchal
Then he would write his chidushei Torah

Twice a day, for an hour, people would come for a Bracha.

He would make a siyum every year on all of Zohar, Tanach, Mishna Berura, Rambam, Tur, Shulchan Aruch, Shas Bavli, Tosefta, Shas Yerushalmi, Midrashim, Kisvei HaAri, and Kisvei Haramchal.

The Siyum always took place on Erev Pesach, 14 of Nissan, for Taanis Bchorim. This year, a leap year, he did the siyum on the 14 of Adar, the day before his petirah!

CREDIT (taken from this Linked In Post):
