!Short Clips! Weekly Torah Portion

Shabbat Shalom – Should We Ask For Miracles? The Golden Calf and We Are Always Connected – Parasha Ki Tisa !Short Clips! by Rabbi Moshe Pinto

Rabbi Pinto – Shares how the sin of the golden calf was not prevented by outright visible miracles which teaches us that miracles will also not help us believe more in Hashem in a way we may think. “Just show me a sign” is a common refrain but it doesn’t help for any length of time.

Also, Rabbi Pinto shares how our Jewish roots are impervious to damage unlike the upper branches of the tree and those roots are our connection.

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!Short Clips!

We’ve changed we will never be the same !Short Clips! by Rabbi Moshe Pinto

Rabbi Moshe Pinto – Shares how according to our sages we are actually new men and women after Yom Kippur and because of this we start reading the Torah from the beginning again with this week’s parasha Breisheit. This is why we “exile” ourselves to the Sukkah for seven days after Yom Kippur to remind us that we are newly reborn.

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!Short Clips! Shabbat

Shabbat Shalom Dave – Part Two

“The Story About Dave” Part Two by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – This lecture happened the day after the previous lecture about the great story on someone named Dave who is looking for a sign from Hashem and eventually he got that sign. Shabbat Shalom.

This video contains some of the Rabbi’s conclusions from the story:

And, here is the original post (part one):

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!Short Clips!

Happier Ever After – !Short Clip! by Rabbi David Aaron

Rabbi David Aaron – On looking for our source.

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!Short Clips!

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi !Short Clip! – Why Do We Say Kaddish and Exactly What It Means

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Shares in this !Short Clip! video about the reason we say kaddish when someone passes and breaks down exactly what it means and how it helps the soul of the deceased.

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!Short Clips! synagogue

How to Improve Your Synagogue Experience – !Short Clip!

Rabbi David Aaron – A simple short two minute paradigm shift video about what the synagogue (shul) means to us.

Click the image to link to Rabbi Aaron’s Video

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!Short Clips!

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi !Short Clips!

Here are several !Short Clips! from some recent lectures by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi. Some are serious and some are quite funny. Hope you enjoy them.

How To Work On Your Emunah:

Mercy For Health:

Dead Dog Airport Story (funny):

Laziness Lack of Emunah:

Can’t Take It With You:

Petach Tikva Story:

Leaving Egypt – Holocaust:

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!Short Clips!

Don’t Think Short Term (!Short Clips!)

I have such an amazing story to tell you!

Eli was in the luggage business.

He got an order from a wholesaler in Algeria for 10,000 pieces of Samsonite luggage. Eli doesn’t ship goods without pre-payments, so 2 weeks after the order came in, he received a check for $833,000, from his new customer in Algeria.

The strange thing was that afterward he called and emailed to find out where to ship the goods and the person was not returning his calls!

Two weeks later, the owner of a large chain of stores, in Algeria, called to say that unfortunately, his seller – who was Eli’s buyer from Algeria- died suddenly, and can he buy the suitcases directly from Eli?

Eli was certainly happy not to get stuck with 10,000 suitcases!

After he had received the money from the store owner, he called up his first customer’s widow and told her he had some money to return. The woman was so grateful and for some reason, asked if he minded speaking on skype. Eli had no problem.

As soon as the woman saw him she said: “You’re Jewish!”

What an incredible kiddush Hashem, when the stunned woman heard that the money Eli was returning wasn’t $830, not even $83,000, but $833,000!!

Now if that would have happened to us, what would you have done?

You may be thinking; “That is a little bit above my pay grade!”


You have to hear the rest of the story.

About 10 days after the woman received that check, a stretch limousine pulled up in front of Eli’s office. An Arab gentleman came into Eli’s office and bowed down to him. This was not a typical beginning of a meeting for Eli. The man said that he was a 1st cousin to the woman in Algeria and he was blown away by the “angel” who gave back almost a million dollars, when no one would have known!

As hakoras hatov he told Eli that he had great connections in Dubai and was planning to introduce him to his friends, who would love to do business with such an incredibly honest person.

In the end, through this one act of honesty, Eli was put on a path that led him to great financial success.

What’s the lesson we can learn?

Don’t think short-term!

Whether it’s in business or any nisayon you have, when you do the right thing what Hashem wants, ultimately Hashem will make you win!

!Short Clips!

Chabad Rebbe on Thanksgiving [AUDIO]

The focus on this short 5 minute audio clip is how the Lubavitcher Rebbe focused solely on the positive and the great effects that had on those who followed him and follow him today and the Rebbe’s view on Thanksgiving.

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!Short Clips! Personal Growth Weekly Torah Portion

The Secret to a Great Marriage – !Short Clip! (Audio)

Rabbi David Aaron – In this past week’s parasha (Vayeitzei) we hear about Yaakov marrying both Leah and Rachel and how their father (Lavan) switched Leah in place of Rachel. This has resulted in our current Jewish custom of “checking” the bride before the chupah (wedding canopy). Rabbi Aaron shares some of the deeper meanings of this custom and how we can learn the secret to a great marriage through this knowledge. Packed with wisdom and only 2 minutes.

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