General Torah

Man and Woman – Together Apart | The Official Podcast of Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – Shares some insights about the root of everything is sourced when it appears in the Torah including the husband/wife relationship. Another example shared is our growth in this World and how it affects our next World is analogous to the story of a fruit tree from the Midrash. A fruit tree originally was supposed to be edible (the bark and the fruit) but the tree “disobeyed” Hashem so to speak and did not follow those instructions. Therefore, a tree has to go through a lengthy growth period until is bears fruit that we can eat. The Midrash further states that in the next World the originally designed fruit tree will be the reality where both the fruit and the bark will all have the taste of the fruit. Rabbi Tatz says we can learn from this that the work we put it in this World will determine our next World exactly. Not that our next World starts our “vacation”. Similar to the analogy of if we want food for Shabbat we need to prepare beforehand otherwise we won’t have any. If we want a blissful next World we need to put in the work in this one – focusing on the three pillars on which this World is built upon (Torah, upon divine service, and upon acts of kindness).

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