Torah Learning

Introduction to Learning Tanach (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Rabbi Breitowitz – Shares some basics about the structure of the Tanach which comprises the entire Bible (Chumash – Five Books of Moses, Prophets, Writings, and Megillot). Very interesting to get a big picture of that structure and some background on why some parts, until just recently, were not learned widely in the yeshiva world for many years.

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Torah Learning

Coveting by Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – Shares about one the Ten Commandments and its deep meaning and importance not only in general but as to how it relates to the fifth commandment of honoring your parents.

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Torah Learning

Torah of Abraham,Torah of Shem & Ever by Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – Shares the difference between the Torah of our Forefather, Abraham and the Torah of Shem & Ever. How we unite and uplift the physical to the spiritual as opposed to separate them as in many other religions. We focus on elevating mundane small tasks and make them spiritual and service to Hashem.

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Talmud Torah Learning

Masechet Nedarim: DaF 63 – מסכת נדרים: דף ס”ג

Adar I and Adar IIאֲדָר רִאשׁוֹן וְאֲדָר שֵׁנִי
There are years during which there are two months of Adar, i.e., Adar I and Adar II. These years are known as leap years: years in which there are 13 months and not 12 months, as is the case in a usual year. Regarding a child born in the month of Adar of a regular year, and whose Bar Mitzvah takes place in a leap year, when would we celebrate that young man’s Bar Mitzvah — during בְּשמחָה Adar I or Adar II? The answer is: Adar II! Likewise, the mitzvah of reading Megillat Esther and all the mitzvot of Purim day are performed during Adar II. However, if a boy was born in Adar I during a leap year, and the year of his Bar Mitzvah is also a leap year, that boy would become Bar Mitzvah during Adar I. 
יֶשְׁנָן שָׁנִים שֶׁבָּהֶן יֵשׁ שְׁנֵי חוֹדְשֵׁי אֲדָר. אֲדָר רִאשׁוֹן וַאֲדָר שֵׁנִי. שָׁנִים אֵלּוּ נִקְרָאוֹת שָׁנִים מְעוּבָּרוֹת, שֶׁיֵּשׁ בָּהֶן שְׁלוֹשָׁה עָשָׂר חוֹדָשִׁים וְלֹא שְׁנֵים עָשָׂר חוֹדָשִׁים כִּבְשָׁנָה רְגִילָה. יֶלֶד שֶׁנּוֹלַד בְּחוֹדֶשׁ אֲדָר בְּשָׁנָה רְגִילָה, וּבַר הַמִּצְוָה שֶׁלּוֹ חָל בְּשָׁנָה מְעוּבֶּרֶת, מָתַי חוֹגְגִים לוֹ “בַּר מִצְוָה”-  בַּאֲדָר רִאשׁוֹן אוֹ בְּאֲדָר שֵׁנִי? הַתְּשׁוּבָה הִיא: בְּאֲדָר שֵׁנִי! גַּם אֶת מִצְוַת קְרִיאַת מְגִילַּת אֶסְתֵּר וְאֶת כָּל מִצְווֹת יוֹם הַפּוּרִים מְקַיְּמִים בְּאֲדָר שֵׁנִי. אֲבָל אִם הוּא נוֹלַד בְּשָׁנָה מְעוּבֶּרֶת בְּאֲדָר א’ וּשְׁנַת בַּר הַמִּצְוָה שֶׁלּוֹ הִיא גַּם כֵּן בְּשָׁנָה מְעוּבֶּרֶת, הוּא נִהְיֶה בַּר מִצְוָה בְּאֲדָר א’.

Talmud Israeli, DafYomi3 – WhatsApp Group Invite

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Torah Learning

Masechet Nedarim: DaF 30 – מסכת נדרים: דף ‘ל Kippah – כִּיפָּה

On this daf, we learn about the Jewish custom of wearing a kippah. Rabbi Moshe Isserles, the Rem”a (eminent 16th century Polish Talmudist), explained that one should wear a kippah out of respect for the Shekhinah (Divine presence). One displays a lack of respect for the Shekinah by walking about with an uncovered head.

In Masechet Shabbat [daf 156], the Talmud states that wearing a kippah is an auspicious practice to gain yir’at shamayim (fear of heaven). Therefore, it is important to ensure even small children wear a kippah on their heads, so they acquire yir’at shamayim.

Mishnah Berurah rules that nowadays wearing a kippah is not just a custom, but rather, an obligation. As such, it is proper to wear a kippah throughout the day, and certainly during time of prayer, when reciting blessings, or learning Torah.

בְּדַף זֶה לוֹמְדִים עַל מִנְהַג הַיְּהוּדִים לַחֲבוֹשׁ כִּיפָּה. רַבֵּנוּ מֹשֶׁה אִיסֶרְלִישׁ, הֲלֹא הוּא הָרְמָ”א, מַסְבִּיר כִּי צָרִיךְ לַחֲבוֹשׁ כִּיפָּה מִפְּנֵי כְּבוֹד הַשְּׁכִינָה, כִּי אֵין זֶה כָּבוֹד לַשְּׁכִינָה, לָלֶכֶת בְּגִילּוּי רֹאשׁ.

הַתַּלְמוּד בְּמַסֶּכֶת שַׁבָּת (דַּף קנ”ו) אוֹמֵר, שֶׁחֲבִישַׁת כִּיפָּה הִיא סְגוּלָּה לְיִרְאַת שָׁמַיִם, וְלָכֵן חשוב לְהַקְפִּיד שֶׁגַּם יְלָדִים קְטַנִּים יַחְבְּשׁוּ כִּיפָּה עַל רֹאשָׁם, כְּדֵי שֶׁיִּזְכּוּ לְיִרְאַת שָׁמַיִם.

הַ”מִּשְׁנָה בְּרוּרָה” פּוֹסֵק, שֶׁבְּיָמֵינוּ חֲבִישַׁת כִּיפָּה אֵינָהּ רַק מִנְהָג, אֶלָּא חוֹבָה, וְלָכֵן רָאוּי לָלֶכֶת עִ

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Torah Learning

Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #112 | What Brings the Mashiach? By Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – Shares and explains how learning Mishna (the oral law written down by Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi) can serve several purposes at once. According to Midrash Raba it can bring Geula (redemption). It can give a strong learning foundation for young boys and newly religious alike. And, it can help educate us about the Torah laws itself. Rabbi Kessin also makes some good points about the difficulties many have with learning Gemorah without the basic learning foundation (Mishna) first.

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Torah Learning

War Against G-d – Amalek Today

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – The first 20 minutes or so is jam packed with good stories about the Chofetz Chaim and how important it is not to reject others and at the very least to pray for them and have compassion for others.

Click here for more videos from this Rabbi’s on Yibonei’s YouTube Channel:

Bonus Q&A Video:

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Torah Learning

What Happens When Torah is Learned for The Wrong Reasons

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Important video explaining how important it is to be a good person before Torah (aka derech eretz lifnei torah) which exemplifies how our forefather Yaakov Avinu lived. Also those you are new to religious observance have an important role to play not only to learn but to teach in their own way.

Newsletter – Rabbi Kalmus’s organization, Tzion Breslov Project, also started a newsletter that comes out before Shabbat – you can sign up for that free here as well:

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