!Short Clips! Prayer

!Short Clips! This is the Beginning of Geula by Rabbi David Kalmus

In this !Short Clip! (please watch until the end of video for an amazing story at the end that just happened), Rabbi Kalmus focuses on the possibility that maybe Hashem wants us to pray all day (and not just check a box that we prayed) and also on the feeling of why we may feel crippled in our life in general and how that drives us to pray more. Throw yourself on Hashem and He will take care of you completely.

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Torah Learning

Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #112 | What Brings the Mashiach? By Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – Shares and explains how learning Mishna (the oral law written down by Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi) can serve several purposes at once. According to Midrash Raba it can bring Geula (redemption). It can give a strong learning foundation for young boys and newly religious alike. And, it can help educate us about the Torah laws itself. Rabbi Kessin also makes some good points about the difficulties many have with learning Gemorah without the basic learning foundation (Mishna) first.

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Jewish Holidays

Shavuot is when the geoula is supposed to come

Rabbi Moshe Pinto – Shares with us the goal to achieve kedusha (holiness) can only occur when both elements combine (the physical/material and the spiritual). Without one of these elements our level of connection to Hashem is always incomplete. To bring the geula (redemption) we need not ignore the physical/material but to incorporate and elevate it towards a spiritual goal. Pesach was physical redemption and Shavuot is spiritual redemption – the time in between (the Omer period) is the way to connect them both. Powerful lecture by Rav Pinto.

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