Weekly Torah Portion

פרשת בלק: מנחל ארנון עד בלעם והאתון! השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב

איזה נס קרה בנחל ארנון? מי הם בלעם ובלק? למה בלק רצה לקלל את עמ”י? סיפור בלעם והאתון שפתחה את פיה. הרגע ביום שבו הקב”ה כועס, ואיך זה קשור לתרנגולת? הצטרפו אלינו למסע מרתק על פרשת בלק! בשיעור הזה, נבין את העומק של הפרשה בפשט רמז דרש וסוד. פרשת חוקת: מנחל ארנון עד בלעם והאתון!
השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב.
על ענייני פרשת בלק: הקללה שהפכה לברכה, למה מואב פחד מעמ”י?
אל תפספסו! 📘✨
חידושים מרתקים ומדהימים בפרשת בלק – השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב

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Weekly Torah Portion

Dialogue Die Along (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha – Balak)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares about the upcoming the weekly parasha (Balak) that we read last Shabbat. The beginning of the class focuses on how important it is to be a decent human being and to not use one’s religiousness as an excuse not to be (good common sense advice).

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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Personal Growth Weekly Torah Portion

Why is it so hard to make a change? – Parashat Balak – Rabbi Alon Anava

Rabbi Alon Anava – Shares about how to deal with the “Bilam” inside each and everyone of us that we seek to overcome to live a more meaningful and spiritual life. Rabbi Anava give many interesting facts of Bilam and how we can learn from these today. Fascinating lecture on Parasha Balak.

If you are interested is more videos from this Rabbi please go to his YouTube channel here:

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Weekly Torah Portion

Reversing a Curse into a Blessing By Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Shares with us the upcoming weekly parasha of Balak and the story of Bilam who failed to live up to his potential and was subsequently destroyed. His potential greatness was overcome by his passions and emotions.

Click here for more videos from this Rabbi’s on Divine Wisdom’s YouTube Channel:

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Weekly Torah Portion

G-ds Reversal of Bilaams Curse into a Blessing

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Shares about the weekly parasha (Balak) and how Bilaam the protagonist who wants to curse the Jews ends up blessing them instead.

Personal Thoughts – I liked how Rabbi Breitowitz gives a lot of background spiritually and practically for the events in this weekly parasha to help better understand how it affects us both then and today.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel:

Weekly Torah Portion

Balak – Growing Through Numbers

Rabbi Trugman – Shares with us some deep esoteric wisdom derived from this week’s parasha (Balak) and the protagonist figure in it (Bilaam).

Personal Thoughts – The Rabbi brings some interesting parallels between science and Torah in this short lesson – I particularly liked the analogy of the movie film / time paradox.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: