Hebrew Months

Wiser Woman Essie Lazarus Return With Love hosted by Joanne Dove

Essie Lazarus – Shares a really deep way to approach Elul. She explains the difference between doing teshuva out of fear and out of love – with a very simple formula to know the difference. The fabric of teshuva was created by Hashem prior to the World even being created going against our human logic. It was first experienced by Adam and Eve on the very first Rosh Hashanah and we can tap into this ourselves today as we lead up to the 5785th Rosh Hashanah in a few weeks. Fascinating lecture.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! What Should We Focus on This Elul? – Charlie Harary

Charlie Harary – In 94 seconds, Charlie shares about how to root out sinat chinam (baseless hatred) by re-wiring your brain and praying for your adversary – the complete opposite of our Western thinking brain. Can we overcome our stubbornness to try this? To bring geula (redemption)?

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Hebrew Months

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz: Elul: Hashem is Rooting For Us

Rabbi Breitowitz – Shares the elixir (Tu B’Av) for the pain (Tisha B’Av) – five or six specific details. Also, the upcoming Hebrew month of Elul along with the High Holidays and the different perspectives of both the judgment of Hashem and also a time for reconciliation (quite a dichotomy).

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clip! Living With The Times – Elul – The Little that Holds A Lot By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – The letter of this month (Elul) is the yud which is the smallest of the letters. Our Sages say that its the little that holds a lot (analogous to our handheld devices that hold the World at our fingertips).

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!Short Clip! Living With The Times – Understanding Teshuvah Through 5 Key Verses By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares some ideas on how we can approach Teshuvah (repentance) is the Hebrew month of Elul which starts in a few days, leading up to the pinnacle of Rosh Hashana. Each letter in the word Teshuva actually encapsulates the actions to be taken/concepts to be grasped to help us achieve it.

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Hebrew Months

KLM: Maximizing Elul thru the Mitzvah of Ahavas HaShem with Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Helps us get the most out of the Hebrew month of Elul – which is the spiritual preparatory month leading up to Rosh Hashana. We can do this by increasing our Ahavas Hashem (our love for Hashem). Watch the video to learn some of the exercises Rabbi Wegbreit shares that can help us get there.

Part #2:

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KLM: Feeling Hashem’s Presence – Escaping the Rut or Rote with Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shows us the benefit of having kavanah (intent) when doing the mitzvot. This topic is important especially during the current month Elul leading up to Rosh Hashanah. Rabbi Wegbreit first gives a background of the Rav’s path to realize the importance of kavanah in not only prayer but other mitzvot as well. “Pick one mitzvah to have kavanah for…” is the suggestion to make a life change.

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Jewish Holidays

KLM Giving the Most Precious Gift to The King of Kings this Rosh Hashana

Rabbi Wegbreit – Shares with us some things to think about deeply before and leading up to Rosh Hashanah.

Hebrew Months

KLM Charity Saves from Death! Reason for Enthusiasm

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares how important Tzedaka (Charity) is and the power it has to change your life right now. The opportunity is now during the month of Elul right before Rosh Hashanah. Join the fun – its never to late to start today!

Personal Thoughts – The challenge for me is to be patient enough to realize the joy of Tzedaka being great than the joy of holding on to the money for other “more important” things. Have faith – give more!

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Hebrew Months

Elul – A hidden secret in the month of Elul + A Mitzvah to focus on during Elul

Rabbi Alon Anava – The Rabbi compares the mercy we get in the month of Elul to the mother’s womb and the birthing benefits this month can give us when we take advantage of it. Also, the power of tzedakah (charity) during this month and it’s affect on this Rosh Hashanah.

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