General Torah

Finding Inner Peace (Re-Post)

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – This is a re-posted lecture from a year about when Rabbi Kalmus had just moved to Eretz Yisroel (Israel). He shares a clear and concise blueprint of the path to inner peace. This can be a major stress reducer and path to freedom to those of us who struggle with day to day life. Highly recommended!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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Personal Growth

Finding Inner Peace

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – First class in Eretz Yisroel really gave some added zip to the lecture. A real treat of a lecture in less than an hour with a great question-answer session at the end. We are not in control…..Hashem is!

Personal Thoughts – This is really must see tv (not to over-hype) as he really dug deep to share with us the path to inner peace. Saw this in real time on Zoom as the time zone now fits perfectly, hope to see one in live person in the future.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:


Simcha in Tehillim (aka Happiness in Psalms)

Rebbetzin Rochel Silber – shares how to attain happiness by learning the Tehillim (Psalms) written by King David (and in the honor of our young teenage children).

Personal Thoughts – Although this was given over on Chanukah, the concept of inner joy being permanent in a temporary World are very much still relevant. That happiness is inplanted in my very nature from birth – it just needs to be re-discovered. The Rebbetzin shows me how learning the Tehillim (Psalms) gives me opportunity to uncover this opportunity to be happy. This helps overcome the current worldly distractions that are meant to make me nervous and give me anxiety (the battle for my mind).

If you are interested in more videos from this Rebbetzin please visit this YouTube Channel: