Jewish Holidays

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Double Feature 1

The Period of the Omer and Love Your Neighbor as Yourself – Rabbi Breitowitz shares how the current Omer counting period has both a positive and negative perspective. The positive is the joyous period between leaving slavery (Pesach) and receiving the Torah (Shavuot). The negative is 24,000 students of the great sage, Rabbi Akiva, dies during this period of time – which makes the Omer a time of mourning. The ultimate goal of this mourning is to rectify the character trait of not giving kavod to others (“love your neighbor as yourself”). Watch the video to get filled in on all the details in between.

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Jewish Holidays

Reading Megillat of Eicha on Tisha B’Av

Tisha B’Av is observed Saturday night after Shabbat. It is a day of mourning for many tragedies in Jewish history including the destruction of both Temples. Many of the videos I posted recently explain some aspects. It is customary to recite/read/listen to the book of Eicha on Saturday night after the evening prayer (Maariv) after Shabbat is over.

PDF of Eicha in English and Hebrew –

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