!Short Clips!

Wednesday !Short Clips! – Rabbi Botton, Rabbi Trugman, Rabbi Brody, Rabbi Karmel

A collection of !Short Clips! covering topics from how to interpret the news through Torah tinged glasses, to secret numerical codes in the Torah, to how to become mega rich, and the amount of destruction on October 7th.

Don’t Read News Without the BIBLE! – Crazy World, Israel War, Jew Hatred, Messiah’s Near

Numerical Gems in the Torah – Secrets of the Number 248

Scars of the South: The Car Graveyard from Oct. 7, 2023

The Jewish Secret To Becoming Mega Rich!

Numerical Gems in the Torah – 137 -The Secret Number of Kabbalah and Physics

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clip! Solving the Mystery of the Red Heifer, Parah Adumah – Rabbi Yitzchak Botton

Rabbi Yitzchak Botton – Shares how the most confusing and contradictory mitzva of the Parah Adumah actually uncovers the meaning of life. What is the mean of life? Helping others. Why? Because we are all one. Love your fellow as you love yourself.

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What’s Stopping Mashiach, Messiah from Coming? You’ll Be So Surprised By Rabbi Yitzchak Botton

Rabbi Yitzchak Botton – Shares the simple (not easy) formula to bring Moshiach right now! Are we up to the challenge (or too busy)?

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The Afterlife

REINCARNATION: Fallen & Broken Souls – A Story of Second Chances By Rabbi Yitzchak Botton

Rabbi Yitzchak Botton – Shares that the concept of reincarnation and the good and bad or us personally and as a Jewish people. We have many second chances to do tshuva and Hashem gives us the gift of reincarnation to help us to make it to the end successfully.

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Jewish Holidays

Lag BaOmer: What do we Celebrate & Why is is Rabbi Shimon’s Day?

Rabbi Yitzchak Botton – BREAKING: LAG BAOMER is NOT the Day Rabbi Shimon Passed Away! The mystery of the 33rd day of the Omer Lag BaÓmer continues. Many call it the yahrzeit (passing) of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, while others say, based on Kabbalah it is the day he was given Smicha, rabbinic ordination , and some say it is both. After watching this video you will better understand Why Lag BaOmer is considered a Jewish Holiday.

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General Torah The Afterlife Torah Stories

What No One Told You About Abraham’s Story – Secrets of Kabbalah & Reincarnation (!Short Clip!)

Rabbi Yitzchak Botton – In this short video Rabbi Yitzchak Botton shares a Kabbalistic explanation, based on the teachings of R’ Isaac Luria, of Abraham’s/Avraham’s battle with Nimrod, which ended with him being thrown into a furnace – know as the Furnace of Kasdim. God then made a miracle saving his life. The Secrets behind this unbelievable story are found in the teachings of Kabbalah.

Personal Thoughts – I never knew that Aaron HaKohen (the High Priest) and Hur could have been reincarnations of Avraham Avinu (our Father) and his brother Haran. Very interesting parallels explained in this short clip

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Can Prayer Change G-d’s Mind? Yes & No – Philosophy vs. Kabbalah

Rabbi Yitzchak Botton – Shows us the relationship between prayer and repentance (teshuva) and how it can turn us into a new person, a new reality.

Personal Thoughts – The Rabbi shows me some very concrete benefits to prayer and how it can change me for the better so I can become the vessel for more blessing and what part I play in the process.

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