
When will The Messiah appear again on Earth?

Rabbi Yom Tov Glazer – Shares the various different signs that appear in the times leading up to coming of Moshiach (the Messiah). One of the years given as potential for Him to come is Motse Shvi’i) – the year after the Sabbatical year. This was filmed in the time lead up to the previous Sabbatical year and coincidentally we are now 7 years later in present time just a couple months into this Motse Shvi’i.

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Personal Growth

In a Relationship or Be as Alone and independent? By Rabbi Yom Tov Glazer

Rabbi Yom Tov Glazer – Shares about relationships and the sum or the parts and how the presence of self love can pave the way towards relationship love. This was an interesting class that was given in front of relative newcomers to Judaism.

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The Meaning of the Ten Sefirot

Rabbi Yom Tov Glazer – Shares with us a more easily understood version of what the Ten Sefirot outlined in the teachings of the Kabbalah mean. Rabbi Glazer uses simple everyday examples to detail each Sefirah making it really easy to understand – making what it sometimes a complicated and esoteric topic more easily understood for the layman.

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