Mussar (Ethics) Weekly Torah Portion

Weekly Lecture in Brooklyn

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Shares with us strong Mussar (ethics) on how we need to take responsibility for our own actions and look deep inside at our part in the current situation and stop looking at outside things for excuses about why current events are happening. Everything is in the hands of Hashem – the outside influences are just His tools to send us a message to do tshuva. Just like we say on Rosh Hashanah doing tshuva means – learning Torah, doing kind deeds/tzedakah, and prayer.

Part One (Mussar/Current Events):

Part Two (Weekly Torah portion):

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Personal Growth

Feeling Low? Start Dancing!

Rabbi David Kalmus – Sharing how clapping and dancing help you feel like you are coming home.

Personal Thoughts – Powerful lessons to start living my way into better thinking through song, dance, and clapping. We all just want to come home!

And a Bonus Short Clip:

How To Light Up Hashem’s Name Within Yourself Through The Mitzva of Tzedakah:

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: