Weekly Torah Portion

The Field vs the Tent – Toldos (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares some lessons we can learn from this week’s upcoming Torah portion (Toldos) including, the difference between Eisav (Ish Sade – man of the field) versus Yaakov (Ish Tam – simple man). The Ish Sade means the field has no boundaries and means anything goes while Ish Tam means the tent has boundaries and means restrictions implying self control. This shows the difference between a Non-Jew (Eisav) and Jew (Yaakov). Furthermore, Eisav came in tired from the field after hunting – which further implies not just him but all people who deal with the World at large (working, playing) – also come in tired and drink their lunch (like Eisav drank the bean soup).

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!Short Clips!

How You Can Change The Outcome Of The World Series (Ep. 260) | Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – At the end of this video Rabbi Orlofsky shares an amazing lesson from a question from his audience. Do I have to follow what Jewish Law says or take my chances on my own judgment? Listen to what happens to the man on the airplane.

Q&A Question:

Entire Video:

Shares how Rivka Imenu is the epitomy of chesed just like Avraham Avinu – this chesed balances out Yizchak Avinu’s din (judgment) – parallel to how Sarah Imenu’s din balances out Avraham Avinu’s chesed. The story of Rivka is one of the main examples of chesed in the Torah. Tzedakah can only be done to a poor person (not a rich person who doesn’t need it) but chesed can be done to everyone. Doing chesed is bringing Hashem’s name and presence in the World – something we can all do and make the World a better place.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Don’t Lose Hope! Nissim Black

Nice inspiring hopeful message for a Monday to start off the week that hope it never lost and everything happens for a reason. When it looks dark there is a bigger picture and Hashem is charge of that picture and wants the very best and loves us infinitely greater than a parent loves a child. Don’t give up.

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Weekly Torah Portion

פרשת חיי שרה: לומדים ממידותיו של אברהם אבינו! השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב

מה יש לנו ללמוד ממידותיו של אברהם אבינו? מידת החסד של אברהם אבינו, אברהם אבינו ועבדו אליעזר, רבקה משקה את אליעזר ואת הגמלים, אליעזר מגיע ללבן הארמי, אמור מעט ועשה הרבה. המסע המרתק אל פרשת חיי שרה – רבקה, שרה, שבת חיי שרה, דרש וסלבן הארמי, מידותיו של אברהם אבינו.
הצטרפו אלינו למסע מרתק על פרשת חיי שרה מסר מעשי לחיים! חומש בראשית.
השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב.
אל תפספסו! 📘✨
חידושים מרתקים ומדהימים בפרשת חיי שרה – שיעורו השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב

חייבים ישועה? הקוד שפותח את כספת הישועות

איך זוכים לישועות בפרנסה זיווג רפואה וברכות לרוב?
הרב תומר ישראלוב עם מסר מחזק מאברהם אבינו ומהפרשה.
איך מקבלים את הקוד לכספת של הישועות?

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! The Speed of Time – Parshat Chayei Sara – Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair and How I Became Happier Than a Trillionaire! – Rabbi Eli Karmel

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Weekly Torah Portion

One Little Prayer – Vayeira (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares a major life lesson towards the end of the video that we learn not to look back at how it once was but to look forward – an important lesson for doing teshuva.

The Hidden Soul of Moshiach – Vayeira

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clip! Vayera – Funny Or Not | Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – Shares in this video how Yitzchak Avinu represents how din (judgement) can live in this World (which was the ideal state of the World but we couldn’t survive it in our current state so Hashem infused his rachamim (chesed) so we could survive). And, since that is unexpected he is named Yitzcack (laughter).

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Weekly Torah Portion

פרשת וירא: הסיפור האמיתי של סדום ועמורה! השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב

הכל על סדום ועמורה! מידת החסד של אברהם אבינו, למה אברהם ניסה להציל את סדום ועמורה, מה היה עם אשת לוט, מה היו המנהגים של אנשי סדום ועמורה, מה באמת הסוד של פרשת וירא. המסע המרתק אל פרשת וירא – סדום ועמורה, פשט, רמז, דרש וסוד.
הצטרפו אלינו למסע מרתק על פרשת וירא סיפורים מרתקים! ספר בראשית.
השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב.
אל תפספסו! 📘✨
חידושים מרתקים ומדהימים בפרשת וירא – שיעורו השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב

מסר קצר ומחזק מעקידת יצחק

שיעורו השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב – מסר קצר ומחזק מעקידת יצחק…
סוף פרשת השבוע – וירא.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Topics – How To Manage Without Smoking On Shabbat and How to Balance Torah Learning and Making a Livelihood By Rabbi Zamir Cohen in English (AI) and The Perfect Host – Parshat Vayeira – Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair

Three interesting !Short Clips!

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If I Can’t See or Touch God, How Can I Know He’s With Me? By Rabbi David Aaron

I have never seen or touched gravity, and I never will. But I know that gravity exists when I feel a force pulling me down.
And so, too, I have never seen or touched God, and I never will. But I know God is in my life when I feel a force pulling me up.
In other words, we can know God. Even though we cannot see or touch Him, we can feel seen by Him and touched by Him. And when we do, we feel uplifted, transformed and inspired.
In truth we are always seen and touched by God, but we might not always be tuned into that truth.
Let’s say you are in a majestic forest, or watching a glorious sunset by the sea; or perhaps you are at an amazing concert, or admiring a stunning work of art, or simply enjoying an intimate conversation with a friend. How will you know if you only came across a bunch of trees, experienced the end of the day, listened to some nice music, saw a pretty picture, felt a warm friendship, or that you actually encountered the Presence of God?
You will know by what happens within you.
You can know that you actually encountered God when you feel at that moment a sure sense that your life and the life of others really matters. From within you will erupt a yearning to love, respect and care for yourself and others. And you will feel filled with an unusual sense of happiness, with a certainty that you and others really matter and what you do really makes a difference, and you will be driven to live a life in service of a greater good.
Simply put, when people, places and/or events set you on fire with the higher desire to love, give, grow, do good and cherish living responsibly – then you are surely feeling seen and touched by God.

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