General Torah

Doubt and Certainty by Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – Shares an interesting topic about doubt that stems from Adam and Eve and them eating from the tree of good and bad. We are suffering from the effects of this event even today.

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Personal Growth

It’s Forbidden to Get Old

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares about how reliance on nature and secular thought instead of on Hashem is the cause of all our suffering up until this very day. The story about Adam and Eve and the eating of the tree being the eating of nature and secular thought was the source of this suffering we experience today. The Rabbi explains the analogy of when we are an adult and we get a small cut on our hand it heals after a short period of time but when we get a cut as a baby we may have a scar for the rest of our life. This is the same as Adam and Eve’s original sin lasting as long as it has. Listen to the video to hear the entire back story.

Newsletter – Rabbi Kalmus’s organization, Tzion Breslov Project, also started a newsletter that comes out before Shabbat – you can sign up for that free here as well:

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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Personal Growth

The Truth No One Wants To Say

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus shares some of Rabbi Nachman’s Torah on how to avoid pursuing things that are hurtful to us and focus on find those things that are beneficial to us and answering important questions like “why do I constantly feel despair?” or “Why do I feel sadness?”

Personal Thoughts: In the video Rabbi Kalmus gives over some practical ways for me to deal with despair and sadness. A suggested exercise about going on a news and social media diet can be found at the 49:00 mark of the video (I tried it and it helped me increase happiness). However, I do recommend listening to the parts leading up to the exercise for proper context. Also, he tells a very powerful personal story about his cousin that was in a coma and his miraculous recovery starting at the 56:25 mark. Enjoy!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: